Noah-8 - Randy's diner and the price to pay

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the diner^^


The scenery outside the window blurs into a passing tapestry of trees and buildings as we glide down the highway. The music engulfs us, mingling with Theo's soft humming, an unfamiliar song weaving its melody into the air. "Where are we going?" I ask, my voice breaking the musical ambiance. A grin blossoms across Theo's face, his humming subsiding. "To get burgers," he answers, his excitement palpable. "Yeah, but from where?" I press further, though my knowledge of local eateries is limited. The idea of knowing somehow offers comfort, a fleeting notion in the face of impending regret and worry. Regret, because I hadn't thought about the consequences of leaving home. Worry, for the likelihood of my dad coming home and finding me gone."For now, it's a surprise," Theo replies, his voice pulling me from my thoughts. I glance at him, my glare met with a hearty laugh. "We're here!" he announces gleefully, pulling into a parking lot. I turn my gaze to the neon sign that reads 'Randy's Diner.' Before I can process the name, Theo leaps out of the car, quickly appearing at my side and opening the door with a wide smile. "Thank you," I mutter nervously as I step out of the car, pondering whether people usually open doors for others when it's not a date. Then again, is this a date? The thought blurs in my mind, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.We step into the vintage-looking diner adorned with red and white striped booths and black and white checkered tiles. The scent of burgers permeates the air, my stomach rumbling in response. Theo leads me to a booth at the back, a wave of comfort washing over me despite my apprehension. The waitress in a pink dress sets menus before us, and her inquiry about drinks prompts Theo to order root beer. My turn arrives, and I falter—I've never been here before, and my choices are limited due to my dad's restrictions. "I'll have... I'll have a root beer?" I answer hesitantly, wondering what to expect from a drink I've never tried before. Theo's concern-filled eyes meet mine. "Hey, are you alright?" he inquires, his genuine worry touching my heart. "Yeah, I just haven't been here before," I reply, omitting the reasons—my fear of my dad's discovery and the disbelief that I'm on a possible date with Theo, someone I've crushed on for years. "If you want, I can order for you," he offers, his gaze unwavering, his eyes a calming sea of blue. I nod, my mouth inexplicably dry.The waitress reappears, placing two cups of brown liquid before us along with straws. "Do you guys know what you would like to order, or do you need more time?" she queries, her notepad poised. Theo coolly orders for both of us, his confident demeanor masking my nervousness. "Alrighty, your food will be out shortly," she says before departing with our menus.Food arrives, placed in front of us with the kind of abundance I'm unaccustomed to. My eyes widen at the sight, and Theo chuckles at my astonishment, effectively sharing my embarrassment. "What?" I ask, seeking an explanation. "Nothing, it's just your expression," Theo replies, amusement dancing in his eyes. I lower my gaze, my face burning. "Yeah, because this is more food than I've seen in a long time," I confess. His laughter echoes, my curiosity piqued. Suddenly, he's beside me, enveloping me in a hug that warms my core. "Never apologize to me; you have nothing to be sorry for," he reassures, releasing me gently before diving into his food.I examine my half-eaten meal, pondering the daunting task of finishing it. It's a battle between not wanting to waste food and feeling unable to consume any more. Theo catches my apprehensive expression. "It's okay; we can get a to-go box," he assures, his understanding gaze unwavering. "You looked like you were about to pass out while staring at your food, so I put two and two together." His smile dispels my loneliness as I clutch the styrofoam container, cradling the leftovers.As the evening hues paint the sky, I request to be dropped off at the park. Theo obliges, and as I exit the car, gratitude swells within me. "Thank you, for all of this," I offer, glancing at him with a sincere smile. His grin mirrors mine. "Anytime. Get home safe, okay? And if your 'dad' does anything to you, please tell me. I'll come get you." His care envelops me, but my joy is tempered by a realization—I don't have his number. A pang of loneliness stirs, yet is quickly replaced by a soft smile as I clutch the to-go box and tread homeward.The sun has dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow across the sky as I approach my house. My heart races as I spot my dad's car in the driveway—of all times for him to be home. Fear grips me as I cross the threshold, a torrent of emotions welling up. I silently reassure myself, "It's okay." The door closes behind me, and I'm once again ensnared by the confines of a reality I long to escape

"where the fuck were you?" my father asks as i walk into the living room. "i-i was j-just ou-" "STOP FUCKING STUTTERING" my father intrupts while screaming and making his way over to me. "what do we have here?" he asks when he's inches away from me, the smell of cigarettes and beer wafting from his breath onto me, causing my eyes to water. "ANSWER ME BOY" my father screams, causing me to jump, "its just s-some food" i whisper. "just some food huh?" he asks before grabbing my hair and pulling my hair back. "JUST SOME FUCKING FOOD?" he once again yells before using his other hand to deliver a punch to my face. causing me to fall over and the food to fall from my hands, the burger and fries fly out of the box and land on the floor. "clean this up." he says while putting his foot in front of my face, my eyes land on some ketchup that landed on his shoe, my eyes widen "i'm so sorry, please im sorry" i start to plead. "" he taunts while wiggling his shoe, i look up at him, pleading with my eyes. but all that looks back is the devil. i look back down, past his raging hardon, to the ketchup. i close my eyes before leaning over and slowly licking the sauce. "that's right boy" my father soothes while i lick. the taste of ketchup and first assaulting my taste buds. then he walks away, relife floods my body as i thank god that that's all that happened, i slowly stand up and start to walk away, "where do you think you are going?" his voice sounds from behind me. causing me to freeze. i slowly turn around to face him, my eyes landing on a wooden broom in his hands, "im sorry, please don't" i plead as he stalks over to me. i close my eyes, expecting to get hit with the handle but instead i feel nothing. i slowly open my eyes and look up at my father who is standing in front of me, i look at his smile, then into his eyes. which are void of any humanity. ones that are filled with hate and lust, his expression causes the air to leave my lungs as true fear takes over my body. i slowly start to walk backwards, my eyes locking with his as i feel my heart drop. god doesn't exist, he didn't hear my prayer, he wont help me, he doesn't care, "come back here." my father says. his intent clear in his words. i slowly shake my head, "please no" i plead as a tear trails down my cheek. 'god please don't let this happen' i plead for the last time before he charges at me, causing me to start running down the halls before i feel something hit my head, causing me to fall to the ground. "apparently our last 'lesson' didn't teach you anything" he says while yanking down my pants and underwear, "i'll make sure you never forget this" he promises as i feel something touch my hole, before suddenly he thrusts the broom handle into me, causing me to scream, i scream until i swear my throat is bleeding, i scream as he pushes the handle further and further in, causing me to continue to scream as tears stream down my face, i feel as my walls are torn apart and i feel like i'm being torn into two pieces, i feel as blood drips down my thighs and pools beneath me. I feel as the broom stops and then he starts to violently thrust it around and inside and out of me, all while laughing maniacally. I scream and I can no longer scream, until I've cried out every drop in my body, but he doesn't stop his assault on my body. After he pulls out the broom he throws it aside, and I look over at the blood-soaked handle as I sob more, he then rolls me over and forces me onto my knees as my whole-body trembles. The familiar sound of a zipper reaches my ears as I look through tears as his member dangling in front of my face, "suck" he instructs, "suck or it's the broom again" he threatens when I refuse, causing me to slowly open my mouth and start to suck his member. I gag as he pushes further into my mouth while he moans. "That's right you little slut" he taunts me while using my face. I feel him tense up before his liquid fills my mouth, dripping down my throat, causing me to choke. "you better swallow every drop" he warns as he watches me struggle, i feel as a few drops leak down my chin as i try to swallow all of his load. i close my eyes and finally manage to get it all down, "good boy" he says before he kicks me in the stomach, causing me to fall down. "Please no more i can't..." i whisper as black dots cloud my vision, "shut up" he says before kicking me in the back of my head, causing me to be thrown into darkness. 

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