3- noah - disgusting

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Stepping onto the worn concrete, I navigate the cracks where nature has made its mark over the years. An unsettling feeling courses through me as I approach the looming building ahead. My silent plea echoes in my mind, "Please let no one be home." Anxiety tightens my stomach as I inch towards the front door. I take a deep breath and open it, revealing a dark interior that engulfs me in silence.I switch on a small table lamp, casting gentle light across the walls and revealing my father sitting there. His presence startles me, "Aren't you going to greet your dad?" His voice breaks through the quiet, sending a shiver down my spine. I turn towards him, trying to mask my unease. "Come here," he beckons, his tone dripping with a hint of cruelty.As the lamp's light dances across the room, I approach him cautiously. His eyes fix on mine, and I wordlessly beg for mercy. Unheard, my plea goes unanswered. He seizes my arms suddenly, pulling me down to his level. I struggle to keep my balance, and his lips press against mine forcefully. The taste of cigarettes and alcohol overwhelms me as his aggression invades my space.Pushing against his chest proves futile. Tears escape me, mingling with the unwanted kiss. He recoils in disgust, pushing me away. His demeanor shifts abruptly. "Did you just cry?" His tone darkens, and he reaches for his belt. Panic surges through me as he swings the belt, landing painful blows that I try to shield myself from.As his strength wanes, he eventually collapses into his recliner and turns on the TV. I gather myself off the floor and limp to the bathroom to tend to my injuries. "Damn it," I whisper, noticing the cracks in my glasses. It's not the worst I've endured, but the pain is still hurts like a bitch. I tend to my wounds using the first aid kit I managed to acquire.Back in my room, I lie in bed and recall Theo's anger earlier. Confusion lingers about what sparked his ire. Drifting off, thoughts of ocean blue eyes and a growing hunger fill my mind.Morning arrives, and memories of yesterday flood back, overwhelming me. I feel defeated as I contemplate my situation. The rational part of me urges action – I need to go to school, even though my wounds ache. I hiss under the cold shower and mentally repeat, "You can do this." With care, I slip out of the house before my father awakens for his morning 'treat'**Thank you all for reading Chapter 3! What do you think awaits Noah as they head to school? The narrative may switch between Noah and Theo as the story unfolds.**

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