noah- 26 - 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈

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As I lay on Theo's chest, I can feel the rhythm of his heartbeat beneath me, a comforting presence amidst the swirling thoughts of our impending graduation. The soft glow of the evening sunlight filters through the curtains, casting warm hues across the room as we share this intimate moment."Can you believe we graduate in 6 months?" I murmur, breaking the tranquil silence that envelops us.Theo's gaze drifts upwards to the ceiling, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "No, but it's going to be amazing," he replies, his voice filled with anticipation and a hint of wonder.Feeling a surge of emotion, I lift my head to meet his gaze. "I love you," the words spill from my lips, sudden yet sincere.A tender smile graces Theo's face as he leans down to press a gentle kiss to my forehead. "I love you too," he whispers, his voice carrying the weight of his affection.Then, Theo suggests a trip to Hollywood, a spontaneous idea that ignites excitement within me. Sitting up, I eagerly face him, the prospect of exploring our future home together filling me with joy."Yeah!" I exclaim, a bright smile spreading across my face at the thought of embarking on this adventure with him."Great, I'll get the hotels booked," Theo says, his eyes alight with enthusiasm. "Do you want to drive or fly?"I chuckle at the absurdity of driving such a long distance. "That's a 32-hour drive one way," I laugh, shaking my head. "Flight it is."With a grin, Theo nods in agreement, already reaching for his laptop on the nightstand. As he scrolls through the list of hotels in Hollywood, we deliberate over our options, searching for the perfect accommodation.But as the price of the hotel room flashes on the screen, my eyes widen in disbelief. "$500 a night?!" I gasp, my voice betraying my shock.Before I can voice my concerns, Theo has already made the decision, clicking the "pay" button without hesitation. I stare at him in disbelief, my mind reeling at the extravagance of his actions."Holy fuck," I whisper,  As Theo finishes booking our flights, I notice a subtle shift in his demeanor, a guardedness that raises a flicker of curiosity within me. However, before I can inquire further, he swiftly closes the laptop, keeping the screen out of my view."We leave in 3 days," he announces, his voice soft as he runs his fingers through my hair with a tender touch.A sense of gratitude washes over me, and I turn to him with a warm smile. "Thank you," I say, my voice filled with sincerity.But Theo shakes his head gently, his expression earnest. "You don't have to thank me," he insists, leaning in to place another sweet kiss on my forehead."I know," I respond softly, reaching up to caress his cheek. "But I need you to know how thankful I am for you. Without you, I would still be trapped in that cycle of abuse with my father. Thanks to you, everything I've ever wanted in life is coming true."As I speak, I see a glimmer of emotion in Theo's eyes, a vulnerability that he usually keeps concealed. Tears well up in his eyes, and my heart constricts with the sight of his pain."Hey, it's okay," I murmur, shifting closer to him so that I can gently wipe away his tears. "I'm okay now."At that moment, Max jumps up onto the bed, sensing the emotional atmosphere. He pads over to us and settles himself on Theo's chest, a comforting presence in the midst of our shared moment."Plus, now I have a cat," I say with a soft chuckle, reaching out to stroke Max's fur as a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. "I love you so much," Theo's voice breaks the tender silence, his words laced with emotion.A surge of warmth floods my chest, tears pooling in my eyes as I meet his gaze. "I love you too," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper, overwhelmed by the depth of my feelings for him.Without hesitation, I pull him into a tight embrace, clinging to him as if trying to convey the enormity of my love through the strength of my embrace. His arms envelop me in a comforting embrace, holding me close with a reassuring warmth that soothes the turmoil within me."Let's get some food," Theo suggests, breaking the momentary spell of intimacy with a gentle chuckle.The sound of my growling stomach punctuates his words, drawing a laugh from both of us. "What do you want?" he asks, a smile playing at the corners of his lips."Jack in the Box?" I suggest, glancing up at him with a hopeful grin."Yeah, okay. I could go for some burgers," he agrees, his eyes twinkling with amusement.We pile into Theo's truck, the engine rumbling to life as we navigate the dark streets. The city lights cast a mesmerizing glow, illuminating our path as we journey towards our late-night snack. I roll down the window, allowing the cool night air to sweep through the cabin, tangling my hair and invigorating my senses.As we drive, Theo's thumb brushes against my thigh in a comforting gesture. In that moment, surrounded by the comforting hum of the truck and the soft glow of the city lights, I feel a profound sense of contentment, grateful for the love and companionship of the man beside me.After getting our food, we retreat to the comfort of Theo's home, sinking into the inviting embrace of the couch. With our burgers in hand, we settle in, ready to enjoy a quiet evening together.Max, ever the opportunist, jumps onto the couch, his plaintive meows pleading for a taste of our meal. I can't resist his adorable antics and find myself relenting, much to Theo's amusement."Don't you dare," Theo laughs, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he catches me sneaking a piece of burger for Max."But look at him! He wants it so bad," I protest playfully, holding Max up to Theo's face, eliciting another bout of laughter from him."He's too young for human food," Theo reasons, his affection evident as he leans in to kiss the top of Max's head."Fine," I concede with a mock pout, turning back to my food with a hint of grumpiness."Don't be mad at me," Theo teases, pulling me closer and peppering my face with playful head kisses.I can't help but dissolve into laughter, the tension of my faux annoyance melting away in the warmth of his affection. "I'm not, I'm not!" I giggle, leaning into his touch before he releases me.With our little interlude of playful banter over, we settle back into our comfortable positions on the couch as we continue our movie, content in each other's company and the simple pleasures of the evening.Friday arrives with an air of anticipation, excitement bubbling beneath the surface as we prepare for our upcoming trip to Los Angeles. As we get dressed for the day, a sense of eagerness permeates the atmosphere."Last day of school before our trip," I exclaim cheerfully, the prospect of our adventure overshadowing the mundane routine of classes."Yep," Theo chuckles, pulling his shirt over his head with a casual grace."I can't believe we're going to LA," I remark, a grin spreading across my face as I think about the adventures that await us in the City of Angels."We're going to have so much fun," Theo assures me, his words filled with genuine enthusiasm as he leans in to press a tender kiss to my lips.My smile widens at his assurance, a surge of excitement coursing through me as I finish putting on my shoes, eager to start the day."Let's get this over with so that we can leave," I say, referring to the remaining hours of school that stand between us and our much-anticipated trip."Alright then, let's go," Theo agrees, grabbing his keys as we make our way out the door.As the hours drag on in class, each minute feels like an eternity. I find myself watching the clock intently, willing the hands to move faster as I impatiently await the final bell."Ten more fucking minutes," I mutter under my breath, my impatience palpable as I count down the seconds.Finally, with a triumphant *ding ding ding*, the bell signals the end of the school day. Without hesitation, I leap up from my seat, snatching my bag and making a beeline for the door.In my haste, I nearly collide with Theo as he stands just outside the classroom, a amused smile playing on his lips."Come on!" I exclaim eagerly, grabbing his hand and tugging him along, unable to contain my excitement.Theo chuckles at my enthusiasm, gently pulling back. "I have to go to practice," he reminds me with a grin. "Plus, our flight isn't until tomorrow morning."I deflate slightly at the reminder, my eagerness dampened by the realization that our adventure must wait just a little while longer. "Ugh, fine," I pout, though the disappointment is short-lived."Do you want the keys so you can drive home and then pick me up in about two hours?" Theo offers, holding out the keys to his car.I shake my head, a smile playing on my lips. "No, it's okay. I'll walk. It's not that far," I assure him, eager for the chance to stretch my legs and enjoy the crisp autumn air."Okay, be safe," Theo says, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek before I tease him with a playful, "I will, Mom."With a laugh, I turn and head out the school doors, the fresh air washing over me as I set off on foot.As I walk, the world around me seems to come alive with the sounds of nature. Birds chirp in the trees above, and the fallen leaves crunch beneath my feet with each step. A sense of peace washes over me as I reflect on my life, a smile gracing my lips as I think about the adventures awaiting me in Los Angeles.But as I glance around at the abandoned buildings and factories surrounding me, a chill runs down my spine. A feeling of unease settles in the pit of my stomach, and I can't shake the sensation that I'm being watched. My senses heighten, and I become hyperaware of every shadow and sound around me."Shit," I mutter under my breath, my heart pounding in my chest as fear grips me. Without hesitation, I break into a run, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I sprint down the deserted streets, my bag dropping from my shoulder and thudding to the ground.Panic sets in as I realize I'm not alone. I can feel eyes on me, unseen and ominous, their gaze following my every move. Dread creeps down my spine, urging me to run faster, to escape whatever unseen danger lurks in the shadows.But before I can react, someone lunges at me from behind, their force knocking me off balance and sending me crashing to the ground. I let out a startled cry as I hit the pavement, the impact stealing the breath from my lungs as darkness threatens to engulf me.A blood-curdling scream tears from my throat as I'm violently pulled into the dark confines of an alleyway. Panic courses through my veins, and I lash out instinctively, kicking and thrashing against my assailants with all the strength I can muster. My foot connects with one of their legs, eliciting a pained groan, but it's not enough to deter them."Help me!" I cry out, my voice echoing off the empty streets, the desperation in my tone raw and palpable. Tears blur my vision as I struggle against the grip of my attackers, my heart pounding with fear and despair.One of the men pins me to the ground, his face leering menacingly in the dim light of the alley. My breath catches in my throat as I recognize him, memories of the horrifying attack on my home flooding back with sickening clarity. Three of the five assailants from that night stand before me now, their faces twisted with malice and vengeance."No, no, no," I whimper, a sense of dread tightening around my chest as the realization of what's happening sets in. "I'm sorry," I sob, my voice trembling with fear and regret. "Please, just let me go."But their eyes are filled with hatred, fueled by the desire for revenge. "You got our buddies put in jail," one of them snarls, his grip tightening around my throat with chilling intent.Panic consumes me as I struggle for breath, my vision swimming with tears as I plead for mercy. "Theo!" I scream, my voice hoarse with desperation as I cry out for him, for anyone who might hear and come to my rescue. In the darkness of the alley, surrounded by my attackers, I feel utterly helpless, the weight of their malice pressing down on me like a suffocating shroud.As my vision begins to blur and darkness encroaches on the edges of my consciousness, a shiver runs down my spine at the chilling whisper in my ear. "You don't get to die yet," he murmurs, his words dripping with malice, sending a shudder of terror through me.Gasping for breath, I struggle against the relentless onslaught of my attackers, but their brutality knows no bounds. A sharp kick to my side steals the air from my lungs, leaving me wheezing and gasping for precious oxygen. "Theo!" I try to scream, but the sound is stifled by the vice-like grip around my throat, leaving me choking on my own fear and desperation.Another blow lands with sickening force, this time directed at my hand, and I cry out in agony as bones snap beneath the pressure. Tears stream down my cheeks as I'm overwhelmed by the searing pain, my world reduced to a haze of suffering and terror.Through the haze of pain and fear, I continue to scream for Theo, my voice raw with anguish and despair. Each cry is a plea for salvation, a desperate hope that by some miracle he'll come to my rescue and pull me from the clutches of my assailants.But the silence that follows my cries is deafening, broken only by the sound of my own ragged breaths and the cruel laughter of my attackers. Reality crashes down around me like a wave, the harsh truth sinking in that no one is coming to save me.Yet, even in the depths of despair, I refuse to surrender to the darkness. With every ounce of strength I can muster, I continue to scream Theo's name into the night, clinging to the faint glimmer of hope that somewhere, somehow, he'll hear my cries and come to my aid. As I lay helpless on the ground, my body wracked with pain and fear, one of my assailants flips me onto my stomach with a brutal force. My heart pounds in my chest as I feel hands grasping at my clothing, the sound of a zipper being lowered sending a wave of dread coursing through me."No, no, no," I whimper, tears streaming down my cheeks as I plead for mercy, for escape from the nightmare unfolding before me. But my cries fall on deaf ears, drowned out by the cruel laughter of my attackers."You think you get to leave this world before pleasuring us?" he taunts, his words dripping with malice as he prepares to subject me to further degradation and violation. Terror grips me like a vice as I brace myself for the inevitable, the crushing weight of despair threatening to consume me whole. Each second feels like an eternity as I wait for the inevitable, the darkness closing in around me as I pray for a miracle, for someone, anyone, to come to my rescue and save me from this nightmare. Agony sears through my body as he thrusts into me with brutal force, each movement ripping me apart from the inside out. I bite back a scream, the pain so intense it steals the air from my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath as tears mingle with blood on my cheeks.

My world becomes a blur of agony and degradation, the gravel beneath me digging into my flesh as I'm pushed further into the ground. Rocks cut into my face, leaving trails of blood in their wake, while blood drips down my legs, pooling on the unforgiving surface below.

The sounds of my torment mingle with the jeers and taunts of my attackers, their laughter echoing in the darkness like a twisted symphony of cruelty. I try to block out the noise, to escape into the recesses of my mind, but there's no refuge from the relentless assault on my body and soul.

With each thrust, I feel myself being torn apart, my spirit shattered by the brutality of their actions. I'm trapped in a nightmare from which there is no escape, the darkness closing in around me as I'm consumed by a sense of utter despair and hopelessness.  As I lay there, broken and battered, my silent cries for Theo lost amidst the darkness, I'm passed from one assailant to the next, each one inflicting the same brutal assault upon my body. Agony pulses through me with every thrust, my spirit crumbling under the weight of their violence.

"Help me," I plead silently into the unforgiving ground, my voice lost to the night as I teeter on the precipice of oblivion. Tears mingle with blood and dirt on my cheeks as I feel myself slipping further into the abyss, the cold grasp of death beckoning me with its icy fingers."Please stop," I whimper, the words torn from my lips in a desperate plea for mercy. But my pleas fall on deaf ears, drowned out by the cruel laughter and taunts of my attackers.As they flip me onto my back once more, I meet their eyes, the glint of malice and hatred reflecting back at me. "Our buddies got life in jail," one of them sneers, his words dripping with venom. "You don't get to just walk away and live yours happily. You took their lives, now I'll take yours."A sense of despair washes over me as I realize the depths of their hatred and the futility of my pleas. I'm trapped in a nightmare from which there is no escape, my body a vessel for their rage and vengeance, my spirit crushed beneath the weight of their brutality. As darkness closes in around me, I cling to a fading glimmer of hope, praying for an end to the torment and a release from the pain that consumes me. As I lie there, helpless and terrified, a glint of light catches my eye, drawing my gaze to the gleaming blade in his hand. Panic surges through me, my heart pounding in my chest as I plead for mercy, my voice a desperate whimper in the darkness."No, no, no, please," I beg, my voice trembling with fear as he advances towards me, the cold steel of the knife sending shivers down my spine.I try to scramble away, to escape the impending doom that looms over me, but one of the men holds me down, his grip like iron, trapping me in place."Theo!" I scream, my voice echoing off the walls of the abandoned building, a futile cry for help in the desolate emptiness.Suddenly, searing pain erupts in my stomach, and I look down in horror to see the blade buried deep in my flesh, blood welling up around it in a crimson tide. Tears blur my vision as I struggle to comprehend the agony coursing through me, my hands instinctively reaching out to cover the wound, only to find them pinned down by unseen forces."Stop!" I cry out, my voice choked with pain and desperation, but my pleas fall on deaf ears as laughter fills the air, mocking and cruel.He thrusts the blade in again, and I gasp as the world spins around me, every breath a struggle as I feel the life draining from my body. Blood pools beneath me, staining the ground with its dark, viscous flow, spreading out like a river of despair."Theo," I choke out his name, tears streaming down my cheeks as I cling to the memories of our time together. Images flash before my eyes, snapshots of happiness and love, moments shared amidst the chaos of life. The trip to Randy's diner, the day we brought Max home, our laughter echoing through the zoo, the simple joy of shopping together.But even as I relive those precious memories, the pain intensifies with each cruel thrust of the knife, tearing through my flesh and shredding my soul. I watch as the stars twinkle overhead, a bittersweet reminder of the nights we spent gazing up at the sky, lost in each other's embrace.With each passing moment, the darkness creeps closer, wrapping its cold embrace around me like a comforting blanket. And as my vision fades to black, I welcome the oblivion, grateful for the release from the torment and the promise of peace at last.

                                                     and so passes noah on november 15th 2023

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