theo- 17 - date night

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as i walk up the stairs i hear noises coming from the bathroom, walking up to the door i hear noah moan, 'is he....' my mind short circuits "noah are you ok?" I ask smoothly, hearing him panic from within the room. before the sound of a hand moving reaches my ear, 'fuck' i moan eternally, "ok..." I say as I walk away, my dick starts to harden. 'shit stop' I plead to myself, thinking about anything but what I had heard.

later noah and i are sitting on my bed when a idea comes to mind "hey do you want to go and see a movie?" i ask while looking over at noah, "what movie?" he asks, confusion on his face. "immaculate?" I question, "what's that?" he retorts, "it's about a nun? it's supposed to be scary" i respond while trying to remember the trailer, "ok" noah smiles, "awesome!" I exclaim as I jump off the bed, "what do I wear?" noah asks quietly, shame coating his face. "just some sweats or shorts, something comfortable" i say while smiling, he just nods while walking to my closet, most of my clothes are to big for him but since some have a drawstring on the pants he is able to make some of them work, and my shirts basically swallow him. but personally i find it to be so adorable, after noah has grabbed some gray sweats and a sweatshirt he takes them to the bathroom to change and i start picking out my outfit, i choose some black shorts and a graphic-t. as I'm standing in my underwear i hear my bedroom door open, turning round i see noah standing there dressed and looking at me with his mouth open, his eyes glued to my body. "shit I'm sorry" he blurts out before running out of the room. i just stand there frozen, 'noah just saw me basically naked'.....'shit' i think while butterflies erupt in my stomach. I finish getting dressed and head downstairs to see Noah waiting for me at the door, his face crimson red, as I walk down he keeps his eyes on the floor, refusing to meet my eye. "hey its ok! its my fault i should have locked the door" i assure him, causing him to look up slightly, "ok...." he says before opening the door, i open his door for him causing him to turn even redder which causes me to chuckle.

we walk into the theater, the classic carpet soothes me and brings back memories of when my parents would bring me here. after we buy our tickets we head over to the concession stand where a annoyed looking girl is standing smacking gum, i know cliche right? "What do you want?" I ask Noah as we approach, "I don't know....I have had any of these things before....can you p-pick for me?" he stutters out the last bit, his face becoming red again. "hey it's alright, yes i can pick for you! it's alright" i reassure him as i walk to the counter, "hey can i get.... 2 large cherry icees, 2 large popcorns, 2 packs of skittles, 2 boxes of dots, 2 boxes of reese's pieces, 2 boxes of lemon heads, ummmm also 2 things of m&m's and 2 nachos and 2 things of airheads and 2 kitkats'' i turn around to look at noah whose mouth is on the floor, "do you want anything else?" i ask him, "n-no" he stammers out, i nod before turning back to the annoyed cashier "that's all" i say while reaching for my wallet, "your total is $162.47" i hand her my card and then moments later all our food is placed in front of us, "thanks" i respond before grabbing the food, well some of it. Noah grabbed a lot too.

the snacks are all sitting on the floor and noah is trying a little of everything, i smile and laugh as i watch his expression change from food to food, childlike wonder on his face as he tries every new candy, "this is soooo good!" he exclaimed as he chews on a kitkat, he suddenly stops eating his kitkat and looks up at me, his eyes start to water then suddenly he hugs me (we had moved the armrest up when we first sat down) i wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his, embracing his warmth. i close my eyes and just revel in his presence before he suddenly pulls away, "im sorry i shouldnt h-hve done that im s-sorry" he stutter out before shoving his kit kat into my hands, "here you can have this, im sorry" he says sadly at the loss of the chocolate. I smile while I raise the bar to my mouth and watch as his eyes widen before I take a massive bite from it while looking directly into his eyes. sadness and disappointment take over his features and i laugh causing him and few other people to look at me. "here '' I say while laughing and handing him my full kitkat, this causes him to smile and look up at me, "yes really" i chuckle out before he can say anything.

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