theo-12 - swimming lessons

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^^^theos pool^^

I lounge in the pool, awaiting Noah's arrival. The cool water embraces my skin, sending shivers down my spine as I glide effortlessly through its depths. The setting sun casts a kaleidoscope of colors across the water's surface, painting the scene with a melancholic beauty.The sliding glass door creaks open, and I turn to greet Noah, his hesitant form clad in swim trunks. "Come on," I beckon playfully, sending a playful splash his way. But as he hesitates, I notice he's still wearing his shirt. "Wait, are you going to leave your shirt on?" I inquire gently.He stammers, his words stumbling over each other as he struggles to articulate his thoughts. Sensing his discomfort, I leave the pool and approach him. "Hey, it's okay," I whisper, reaching out to touch his shoulder. But he recoils, his gaze fixated on the ground, unable to meet my eyes."I... I don't know... how to swim," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. Relief washes over me at the confession, yet beneath it lingers a profound sadness."Oh," I reply softly, masking my disappointment with a reassuring smile. "I can teach you, if you'd like." His eyes finally meet mine, a glimmer of hope shining amidst his uncertainty. "Okay," he chirps, his voice betraying a flicker of excitement.Back in the pool, I guide him through the basics, offering encouragement and reassurance with every stroke. But as he leans back in the water, his vulnerability laid bare, I notice the scars marring his skin—silent witnesses to a pain he's carried for far too long.My breath catches in my throat as I take in the sight, my heart heavy with empathy. "I'm sorry," I whisper, my voice barely audible over the gentle lapping of the water. But before I can offer solace, he retreats, seeking refuge in the depths of the pool."Hey, I'm sorry," I plead as he rushes to cover himself, his shame palpable in the air. But my words fall on deaf ears as he disappears into the safety of the house, leaving me alone with my guilt."Shit," I mutter, my chest tightening with regret. With heavy steps, I follow him inside, only to find him on his hands and knees, frantically wiping the floors with a towel."What a-" I begin, but he cuts me off, his apologies tumbling out in a desperate rush. "I'm sorry," he repeats, his voice trembling with emotion. "I know," I reply softly, my heart aching at the sight of his tears."It's okay, Noah," I murmur, reaching out to comfort him. And as he finally stops, his shoulders sagging with exhaustion, I can't help but wonder how many more scars he hides beneath his shirt, and how many more tears he'll shed before he finds peace.

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