5- Noah - punished

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^^noahs bedroom^^

* warning this page will be extremely difficult to read and will be extremely graphic, read at your own risk *

'its ok noah its ok' i tell myself as i bite my bottom lip and open the front door. 'he's not here, your ok noah, your ok.' I assure myself as I look around the small house for any sign of him before walking down the hallway to my bedroom, 'thank god he isn-' I freeze as I open my door to reveal my father sitting on my bed, waiting. "you, you though you could just walk out of this fucking house without saying good morning to me?" his voice cuts through the air while he slowly looks up at me, pure rage and lust clouds his vision as he looks me up and down. like a lion that hasn't eaten in days gazing upon a lamb. "im s-sorry sir, i h-had a proje-" i start to stutter out "DONT FUCKING STUTTER YOU LITTLE BITCH" he yells. causing me to jump, 'oh no, oh no, oh no' "please no im sorry i didn't mean to do that" i plead while slowly backing through my doorway as he slowly stands and stalks towards me. I turn and run back the way I came 'keep going noah! you're almost there' i scream as i run towards the front door, i reach out to grab the doorknob before my whole body is yanked back by my shirt, which my father has a death grip on. "You're gonna get it good this time boy" his promise seeps into my head like poison as pure fear courses through my body and tears well up in my eyes, "please im sorry, please" i plead, "NO STOP I'M SORRY!" i scream when he starts to pull me by my arm back to my room. "please im sorry no! please" i plead once more before a hard slap is delivered to my face. "shut up or else" he warns while he throws me onto my bedroom floor. 'ok noah you can do this, just pleasure him and he will leave' i think while i slowly crawl over to him and reach for his buckle. "no" he commands right before i touch his belt. i look up at him, confusion swirling through my head. "turn around and get on your hands and knees." he sneers while he starts to unzip his pants, "no, please no" i sit there in fear, hes never gone this far before, its only ever been me sucking his fucking dick. what the fuck is going on! "No?" he laughs while he yanks his pants down. "i dont think so." he then grabs my arms and pins them behind my back before pushing my face into the ground and yanking my pants and underwear down "NO STOP PLEASE NO, I'LL DO ANYTHING PLEASE" i scream as the air hits my exposed body. "shut up and take it like a man" is the only warning I get before he thrusts into me, causing black dots to cloud my vision as I scream at the top of my lungs. I can feel myself being torn as he continues his relentless assault on me. It feels like someone is ripping my intestines out, please lord make it stop! please! God please! I sob into the carpet as he finishes, before pulling out, causing a final scream to pass through my lips. as my vision darkens and I welcome the darkness like an old friend.

I slowly wake up as memories of the recent events come crashing back to me. I allow fresh tears to coat my face as I sob for a piece of me that he has just taken. I cry for every second of agony, I cry for everything. "please god help me" i sob "no, no no no no" i repeat as i hear his heavy footsteps making their way down the hallway, "please no" i sob again before he walks into my room and over towards me. "you thought i would let you off that easily?" he chuckles "you ran, so you pay the price" his smirks as my eyes travel down and i notice that he's not wearing any pants, or underwear. "no, please," I pleaded, "get on your hands and knees or I'll tie you up and make you. " He commands and I listen, fearing for what would happen if I don't, out weighing the fear for what happens if I do. "good boy" he jeers while he readies himself behind me. "please '' I whisper while tears mix with my snot as I sob, "please '' I once again ask before he thrusts into me once more, causing more blood to drip down my legs and pain to surge through my body. I scream, so loud that I swear my throat is bleeding. this causes him to stop and pull out, releif settles over me as i think that he must be done, but instead he flips me over so im on my back, anger clouds his eyes as he lifts my legs and shoves himself back in, before placing his hand over my throat, "i told you not to fucking scream." before he starts to add pressure until I can't breathe, I claw at his hands as my vision goes blurry. I try to remove his hands but I'm already weak from his last assault. I once again greet the darkness as he continues his assault.

this time when i wake up it's dark out and my whole body feels numb, i can't feel anything. which is worse than feeling the pain of what had just happened. 'get up' i tell myself as i grab onto my bed and pull myself up. looking down I notice a blood stain on the ground. before noticing the blood trailing down the back of my legs. I decided to ignore it for now as I use the walls to pull myself to the shower where I clean up and watch as water mixes with blood. and swirls down the drain. afterwards i crawl back to my bed where i lay there and think of what will happen tomorrow.

** i warned you, anyways thank you for reading this page! dont worry ill make it better for noah soon :) ** 

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