Episode 27: Contretemps

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<Episode 27>


Emily stayed up all night, couldn't sleep a wink. She keeps replaying last night over and over again in her mind.

Emily: (could Nero actually really have meant what he said? Does he really blame me for what happened to Leo? Is it really my fault?)
[She wonders deeply.]

She turns over to Nero, he's been awake all night too, but unlike Emily, last nights events have been erased from his memory. What kept him up is something entirely different. It’s something that’s been keeping him up for all these days. What’s the first thing he's going to say to Leo when they meet? Will he even remember him? And not the him he last saw a year and a half ago, the him he truly knows, him as his brother. Or will another battle of brothers ensue?

Sid wakes up from his slumber. He awakes to see Nero and Emily each standing over at the ends of the hangar. Clearly something happened when he was in dreamland, or nothing happened at all, seeing how Nero barely acknowledges Emily’s presence.

Sid: morning
[He says while yawning.]

Emily: morning

Nero: ...

Sid: so, what’s today’s schedule?

Emily shrugs, Nero stares at the blank space of the outside, watching over at the entrance of the hangar.

Sid: okay. What happened?

Emily: ...

Nero: nothing worth a mention

Sid: now I know that something happened. Emily?

Emily: It’s nothing

As Sid is about to ask again, the sound of radio static echoes within the hangar.

Emily: what’s that?

Sid: a radio

Sid draws his guns and Nero prepares himself for a fight. The static noise echoes once more.

Sid: wait

Sid holsters his guns and heads off to where the sound is coming from. Frantic, Emily calls out to him.

Emily: Sid…

Sid disappears into the radio room.

Sid: of course, why didn't I think of this. Hey guys, you might want to see this

They both head into the room and find Sid looking at the radio.

Emily: a radio?

Sid: yeah, this is what's been making that noise. I think it’s been catching static from all the militaries overuse of their radios

Emily: oh

Sid: yeah, you know what this means right?

Emily: we get to listen in on the army?

Sid: exactly, we can be one step ahead of them at this rate, they won't be able to catch us by surprise

Nero walks away, uninterested.

Sid: this is good news you know!?

The sound of Nero's footsteps fading followed by the word “whatever” echoing.

Sid: *sigh*

Emily shakes her head at Nero’s reaction to the matter.

Emily: so now what?

Sid: now I just got to tap into the armies frequency

Emily nods.

Sid: so, did you get a chance to talk to him?

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