Episode 7: Seeking Information

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<Episode 7>
Seeking Information

Kanami Village.
Sid sits in front of his computer, hacking through the armies server, trying to see any active missions that may have his name written on it. Without a doubt, he finds it.

Sid: well, that didn't take too long

Nero: what?

Sid: I'm a wanted man by the army

Nero: welcome to the party

Sid: yeah, a party I didn't want an invitation to

Nero: ...

Sid: what's next?

Nero: we're heading to Sapphire City

Sid: really, Nero. I don't think going to Sapphire City is a good idea

Nero: ..there might be a person that may help me find Leo

Sid: and who might that be?

Nero: don't know, I heard a couple in town talking about this psychic that knows everything, that person might help me

Sid: a psychic? We believe in psychics now?

Nero: ...

Sid: Nero, it’s too dangerous for us to go there, we've got too much heat, we'll be walking directly to them. And I'm not sure about this psychic person, it's probably a hoax

Nero: then what do you suggest?

Sid: if we're going to look for Leo, shouldn't we be returning to the scene of the crime, the last place we last saw of him, Seraph City?

Nero: I don't think he's still there

Sid: what makes you say that?

Nero: because if he was, Enzo would've found him by now

Sid: *sigh* you're probably right

Nero: so, we have no options

Sid: the psychic?

Nero: yeah

Sid: how are you so sure he or she is even the real deal?

Nero: you're smart, think about it

Sid: ..you think the psychic might be a Reborn… that actually makes more sense

Nero: ...

Sid: you know, I noticed you haven't asked me about her

Nero: ...

Sid: don't you want to know how she's doing or if she's okay?

Nero: no

Sid: right...


Sapphire City. Army-Base.

Iwasaki: a hacker?

Asami: yes, can you do something about this information?

Iwasaki: I… may be able to, all I need is his hacker name, I'm sure I can draw him out with that

Asami: any ideas on how to get that?

Amber: I may have a plan ma'am. Leave that to me, I'm just gonna need his personnel file

Asami: right

Amber leaves the room with more soldiers from Asami’s unit with her, women of course. Namely Margot and Scarlett, along with a couple of corporals.

Asami: we have to find him

Iwasaki: can you be for certain that the captive will be with him, ma'am?

Asami: if he isn't, I'll make him tell us

Amber, Lieutenant Asami's second in command reads through Sid's file. She figures that if a hacker as highly intelligent as he is, he may have made some cyber friends or enemies, whom may give out some intel about him.
Amber and her team drive to Sid's old residence, to the slums.


The slums.
Still the same rancid place as its always been, but with an added difference, the gate has been reinforced to keep the Infectids from coming in, they can't have a repeat of what happened a year and a half ago.

In less than an hour, Amber and her unit arrive at Sid's old home. They notice a lot of homeless people squatting on the outside of the premises.

Margot: uhh, it stinks out here

Amber: let's hope we won't be here for long, knock on doors and ask if they know Sid

Scarlett: on it

The soldiers go door to door with Sid's picture in hand, asking if they've seen him. Amber makes her way to Sid's residence. She knocks on the barely standing door (probably because of what Nero did to it almost a couple of years ago). She knocks once again, this time the door falls flat.

Amber: ookay

She enters.
A sea of computers fill the living room, (the room has barely changed since… well, ever). A neighbour who saw Amber walk inside comes in, with a bat in hand.

Neighbour: hey! Who are you and what do you want!?

Amber: calm down, I'm looking for the owner of this place

Neighbour: yeah right, you're here to steal his stuff! Look lady, you're not the first person to come here and pull this shit, this bat here in my hands has met a lot of people, and frankly, they didn't like meeting it

Amber: oh?

Neighbour: yes! So I'm giving you a count of three to leave here. One!

Amber: ...

Neighbour: Two!

Amber: look at my uniform smart guy, do I look like a looter?

Neighbour: Three! Haaa!

The neighbour strikes with his bat but Amber quickly draws her gun and fires a bullet right through the bat, breaking off the top half of it.

Neighbour: p… please don't kill me

He goes on his knees, at this time, Ambers back up arrives.

Scarlett: everything all right here?

Amber: yes, you guys got something?

Scarlett: no, nothing

Margot: if they know something, they're keeping it to themselves

Neighbour: pl… please, I'll tell you what you wanna know, just don't kill me

Amber: like I said, I'm here looking for the owner of the house

Neighbour: Sid?

Amber: yes

Neighbour: is he in some kind of trouble?

Amber: he's...one of us

Neighbour: yeah right, Sid will never join the army… he hates you guys

Amber: well, he joined us, and left. Now, we're looking for him… and you're going to tell me where might he be hiding

Neighbour: I swear to God, I don't know where he is… last time I saw him was like…almost two years ago, he left with a couple of guys and a red haired chick

Amber: you're not lying to me are you?

Neighbour: no, I swear. He left with those people, I didn't ask where he was going, those guys looked scary… one of them had a sword for Christ sake

Amber: !!

Scarlett: sounds like, those two mercenaries

Margot: yeah, and one of them just escaped. And what about this red haired chick you just mentioned?

Neighbour: I have nothing to say about her. Except that she’s hot, that’s it

Amber: tell me what else do you know about Sid

Neighbour: like what?

Amber: like anything about him, what he did, who his friends was, anything

Neighbour: all I know is that he loved his computers, he spent most of his days sitting in front of those things, I think he was a hacker

Margot: yeah no shit Sherlock

Amber: do you know what he used to call himself?

Neighbour: like a nickname?

Amber: yes, his hacker name

Neighbour: no...wait, I think it was...inside wars or something like that

Margot: inside wars? What kind of a hacker name is that?

Neighbour: no wait, Insidious, that's it, Insidious...I remember now, he kept repeating it over and over in my ear so I wouldn't forget it

Scarlett: that sure came to bite him in the ass

Amber: good, we have what we came for

Margot: what about all these computers?

She turns on one computer and notices a Screensaver of a naked woman on it.

Margot: ooo, look what we have here. A little freaky deaky?

Scarlett: Margot, don’t you dare

Margot: just a little curious

She plays a video on the computer and a porn scene starts up, with a woman moaning loudly.

Scarlett sighs and shakes her head then she turns away, while Margot is still glued to the screen.

Amber: Margot, shut that off

Margot: just a few minutes more

Neighbour: yeah, just a few more minutes

Amber: I said turn it off! That’s an order

Margot: yes ma’am

She reluctantly turns it off.

Margot: so we’re leaving these computers here? I was thinking maybe we take them with… you know, we might… find something

Scarlett: like what?

Margot gives out a nervous shrug.

Amber: yes, you might be right. We take em with, Iwasaki might find something. And I don’t want to see you anywhere near her with those computers Margot

Neighbour: you are stealing his stuff, I knew it!

Amber: we're going to return them to him

Neighbour: really? Why don't I believe you?

Amber: I don't know, why don't you?

Amber flashes a more serious look to the neighbour.

He swallows out of nervousness.

Amber and her team finish up packing up all of Sid's hard drives and computers, and drive back to the base.

Half an hour later...
Amber returns to the base.

Asami: did you find anything?

Amber: yes ma'am, Insidious, that's his hacker name

Iwasaki: great, I can finally get something

Asami: good work, Amber

Amber: there's still more, we found all these computers at his previous home, maybe it may help you with locating him, Iwasaki?

Iwasaki: yes, yes, it will! Sergeant Amber you're a genius!

Amber: I am?

Iwasaki: I can find his hacker contact list with these, then maybe pose as one of them to actually make him bring himself to us

Asami: good, get to it

Iwasaki: yes ma'am

To Be Continued...

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