Episode 13: The Face Off

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<Episode 13>
The Face Off

Sid runs through the ever populated city with his hands still bound at his back, and Corporal Iwasaki not far behind.

By this time, the streets leading to and through the army base have been closed off, the GCNN news crew as always is first on the scene, with their investigative reporter Jennifer Strauss still covering the exclusives.

Sid rushes through the crowd and desperately tries to lose Iwasaki, who's getting ever closer to him. He takes a quick corner into an alley way. Peeks out his head to see if she’s still on his tail, nothing.

Sid: (shit Nero, what the fuck did you do?) what the fuck Nero? What The Fuck!!?


Army Base.
Helicopters with water tanks and fire trucks try to extinguish the raging flames, medics arrive on the scene to tend to the wounded and survivors. Nadia, still injured pretty badly is tended to, she suffered heavy puncture wounds and lost a lot of blood. General Cross suffered a head injury not too severe, but bad enough to give him a concussion.
Asami, with blood running down her left arm from a stray pole injury heads off to go and check over Nadia.

Asami: how is she doing?

She asks worriedly.

Medic: not good, she needs to be taken to the infirmary as in yesterday

Asami: ...

Medic: and you need to be checked out, that wound doesn't look too good, Lieutenant

Asami: don't worry about me, tend to her, just make sure she doesn’t die okay?

Medic: yes ma’am

Asami takes a moment to look around the field of dead soldiers on the ground, she takes it all in. Then it all goes silent in her head, then the sound of one soldier wailing snaps her mind back to the current moment and then heads off to the radio room in a hurry.

Soldier: Lieutenant, your arm…

Asami: put me through to Enzo

Soldier: y… yes ma’am


City of Aramis.
Enzo and his unit stand on the outside waiting for something to happen. Completely oblivious to the events that transpired at the base.

Anderson: all right, Meilin, she’s a Chinese woman, her work in Genesis is C.O.O. in the company, she works along side Thomas Ainsley

Enzo: and Oswald, do you find anything about him?

Anderson: no, nothing yet. He’s a bit of a mystery

Enzo’s radio goes off.

Asami: Enzo… come in

Higgens: is that Lieutenant Asami?

Enzo: keep looking into it, let me take this

He walks outside.

Enzo: yeah, what is it?

Asami: I'm calling to warn you… h… coming!

Enzo: what? I can't hear you, you’re breaking up

Asami: the...base..

Enzo: what about the base?

Asami: under… attack… ma…ny died...he’s coming for you

Enzo: who’s coming for me?

Asami: the Reborn… he’s coming

Enzo: what!?

The radio transmission cuts abruptly.

Enzo: Asami!? Asami!

Enzo rushes back to his team.

Enzo: drop everything, we’ve got to go

Anderson: why? What happened?

Enzo: I think something went down back at the base

Higgens: shit

Enzo: and we’re being targeted, we have to go

Higgens: who’s targeting us?

Enzo: the Reborn, Nero

Anderson: damn

Higgins: what!?

Enzo: pack everything up and let’s get going!


Sapphire City.
Sid tries to make it over the other side of the city to Future Sight, by this time Sid managed to bring his arms around to the front of him, making it easier for him to navigate around, but as he steps out of the alley way Iwasaki stands before him, with her M-16 rifle aimed at his face.

Iwasaki: going somewhere?

Sid: just out for a lil walk

Iwasaki: I’m taking you back

Sid: I figured as much

Iwasaki: don't try anything stupid, trust me… I will put a whole in you

Sid: ...

Iwasaki: now turn around and walk!

Sid turns around and faces the opposite direction. He looks to his lower right and notices a steel pipe.

Sid: you know… I’m not one to hit a woman, but in a situation like this...

Iwasaki: shut up!

Sid: I’m sorry

Sid ducks down and grabs the pipe, then swings low and hits Iwasaki on the side of her knee, she shrieks for a moment but then quickly draws her side arm, fires six shots at Sid who quickly ducks and takes cover behind some dumpsters.

Iwasaki gets to her feet, she limps over to his direction with her pistol pointed at Sid’s direction.

Iwasaki: there’s no escape, come out!

She orders.

Sid picks up an empty bottle and hurls it to her hand, it makes contact and she drops the gun. Sid comes out from cover and charges towards her, Iwasaki quickly draws her knife and goes in for her CQC, Sid dodges the attacks and grabs her hand, she head butts him. As he falls backwards, Sid manages to grab a flash grenade hanging from her uniform and rolls it at her feet, it goes off and completely blinds her.

Sid: ugh… like I said, I'm not one to hit a woman

Sid holds her down and grabs the handcuff keys.

Sid: I’m sorry, but I have to do this

Iwasaki: you’re a traitor

Sid: I’m not a traitor… I was never one of you from the beginning

Iwasaki crawls over to where she dropped her side-arm, patting the ground to find it, she grabs her side-arm and let’s off a couple of rounds from her gun at him once again and Sid stops dead in his tracks as he attempts to run off.
He walks over to the partially blinded Iwasaki and puts cuffs on her with her own handcuffs.

Iwasaki: this is not over! You hear me!? SON OF A BITCH!!

Sid runs off.

Nero stands on top of the highest building in the city, scouring to see if Enzo is on the way to the base. He thinks if they’re going to use trucks to get to Sapphire City, it may take them a day and a half to get here, but if they use a helicopter, it’ll only take them a few hours. So what to do? Wait for them to come, or take the fight to them? This answer is obvious, Nero has no time to waste standing around and waiting.
He takes the fight to them, with his abilities, he’s sure he can make it to the city in a matter of hours, two hours max. Off to the City of Aramis.


Future Sight.
Sid bursts his way inside.

Sid: Adakis!

Adakis, still busy with a client is snapped out of his trance by Sid’s voice.

Adakis: I'm sorry, I lost it

Woman: can you try again?

Sid: Adakis!?

Adakis: not when there’s so much noise

Sid makes his way into the room.

Sid: Adakis...

Woman: excuse me!? We’re busy here!

Sid: this’ll only take a second, miss

Adakis: what is it, Sid?

Sid: Nero, I lost him

Woman: you're going to have to wait, Mr. Adakis is still busy with me

Sid: wha… ? Dammit lady this is a matter of life and death

Woman: mine is a matter of importance too

Sid: grr!!

Adakis: Sid, if you’ll wait a few minutes, I’m almost done here

Sid: you gotta be shitting me!!

Sid takes up an empty seat outside of the room which Adakis uses for finding things and people.


Army Base.
Reporters fight to get any information as to what just happened at the base.
General Cross is back on his feet.

Asami: sir

Cross: Lieutenant, what happened after the second attack?

Asami: he survived it sir, then went on to kill more of our men

Helicopters head towards the base, Asami and Cross can’t identify who it is from the distance.

Cross: you called for more men?

Asami: I only alerted Enzo of the matter, it could be him headed this way… but the helicopters are not going out at this stage… so I really doubt it will be him approaching in that chopper

Cross does a closer inspection and notices the symbol of the approaching helicopters.

Cross: no, that’s not ours

Asami: who is it?

Cross: Genesis

Asami: ...


Future Sight.
The woman finally leaves the shop. She scowls at Sid upon leaving. Sid sits in another room, anxiously biting his nails.

Adakis: Sid?

Sid: took you long enough

Adakis: what happened?

Sid: I don’t know, one second we were heading to the army base, I got tricked into a hoax of a meeting and the next thing I know, Nero is destroying the base

Adakis: what!?

Sid: I don’t know whether he’s alive, dead or captured, that’s why I came here

Adakis: fine I'll try to locate him, have a seat

The room goes silent once again, Adakis goes into his trance.

Adakis: hopefully if he’s close enough it won’t be that hard to locate him

Sid: ...

Adakis goes into a trance and his eyes begin to glow from the blindfold he’s wearing.

Adakis: oh, my God

Sid: what is it?

Adakis: he’s made quite a mess at the army base, so much...death

Sid: wha..?

Adakis: Genesis?… what are they doing there?

Sid: Genesis? Is he there?

Adakis: no...he’s not… it appears he left, I’m going to need to use more power to locate him

Adakis' mark/brand begins to glow.

Adakis: I… feel...him...he’s left the city

Sid: what? Already?

Adakis: hours ago...I found him

Sid: where is he?

Adakis: ...in the sky...I think...he’s...on the verge of landing

Sid: ...

Adakis: I...see...army trucks... On approach


Juggernaut Unit Army truck.

Higgens: It’s going to take us, what? A day to get there?

Anderson: we should have called for a chopper

Higgens: that’s what I'm saying

Enzo: Remember that the base was attacked, there will be no chopper coming from the base to fetch us

Higgens: oh, right… damn that Reborn

Enzo is angry and anxious on the passenger side of the truck.

Higgens: so that bastard wants our heads huh?

Enzo: not yours, apparently it’s mine that he wants bad enough that he killed most of our men for it

Anderson: Jesus… he must be pissed after all that torture you’ve done to him

Enzo: I don’t give a fuck how pissed off he is. He should have just told me the location of his brother

Anderson notices something coming from the sky.

Anderson: what the hell is that?

Higgens: huh? Anderson Look out!!

Nero makes his landing in the middle of the road. Anderson skids the truck to an abrupt halt.

Nero: found you

Enzo makes eye contact with the Reborn and he seems as Anderson said, he is pissed.

To Be Continued...

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