Episode 10: A Way To See Without Eyes

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<Episode 10>
A Way To See Without Eyes

Future Sight.
Adakis, the blind guru of the organisation once known as The Branded, makes his presence before Sid and Nero.

Nero: Adakis?

Sid: you’re the psychic?

Adakis: yes, I am

Baffled for words, Sid remains silent for a change.

Adakis: I would like to say it’s good to see you but...
*He gestures to the blindfold wrapped around his eyes*

Nero: yeah

Sid turns his attention to Alexis standing at his side.

Sid: so back there at the hideout, you returned to get Adakis out?

Alexis: yes

Sid: how? After the secret passage we used caved-in there was no other way out

Alexis: actually there was. I didn't even know about it

Adakis: in my room there was a hidden exit. I used it a lot to leave the hideout from time to time to feel the sun on my skin

Sid: oh

Nero: so you two now reside here in Sapphire City?

Alexis: yes, but our road wasn’t as...easy

Sid: what happened?

Alexis: at first, we searched for you all, tried to follow the direction you would’ve taken but we had no luck. What with all the G.S.S. operatives appearing at every turn

Adakis: so eventually, we ventured elsewhere. In an attempt to find shelter wherever we could, avoiding the G.S.S. and fighting off Infectids

Alexis: that went on for months. Luckily some trucker found us on the road, offered us a ride to Sapphire City. By then we had no home, no place to stay. We thought a fresh start at a different city would be good

Sid: what about the rest of the Branded members? Couldn't you at least locate them?

Alexis: we’ve been trying to locate them but, Reborn’s are very hard to find

Sid: What do you mean?

Alexis: the technique we use has complications

Sid tilts his head sideways and whispers “technique?”

Adakis: what about you two? What happened to the others? Emily and also your brother, Leo. I can’t sense his hostility around. I’m guessing he’s not with you

Sid: Emily is...actually, I don't really know where she is right now. It’s been months since I ever heard from her

Adakis: I see

Alexis: and Leo?

Nero: that's actually the reason why we came here. We heard that you can help find missing people

Alexis: oh no, has Leo been captured by the G.S.S.?

Nero: no...at least I don't think so

Alexis: well then, what happened to him?

Nero remains silent, clenching his fist in an attempt to suppress his rage fuelled by his guilt.

Adakis: he Ascended. Am I right?

Nero: yes, and it’s been almost two years since then

Adakis: that day...when we were looking for some shelter. That sudden blizzard

Nero: you felt it?

Alexis: we were miles away from that place but yes, we felt it

Nero: please, Adakis. Help me find him

Adakis: I would, however finding a fellow Reborn is a lot harder than just finding an ordinary human. As Alexis said; the technique we use has complications

Sid: what kind of technique?

Adakis: it will be confusing to explain

Sid: how about the gist of how it works?

Alexis: in short; it allows Adakis to see, in a way

Sid: what? Really?

Adakis: yes. But, I've used up a lot of my power today, in order for me to do it I'm going to need to be at my fullest

Alexis: you two can rest here for the night

Adakis: yes, you are very welcome. In the earliest of the morning, I'll help you find your brother, Nero

A slight thunder rings with the clouds, Alexis closes the door to the shop and flips the “open” sign, to “sorry, we're closed.” She then looks out the window to the navy blue cloud filled sky.

Alexis: it’s going to rain soon

Sid: I'm just glad we found you guys before it did

He says while looking out the window to the sky outside.

Alexis: yeah. How about some coffee?

Sid: please


The next morning arrives with the gold glimmer of the sun.
Nero remains at rest in the next room. While in the other room Sid and Alexis catch up over their lost time, Alexis tells Sid about how this psychic shop came to be and Sid fills her in about his time in the army and then about the battle between Nero and Leo.

Alexis: no...really?

Sid: yeah...I’m not sure if my screaming at him at that moment stopped him from killing Nero or if it was something else

Alexis: Leo...
*She says under her breath, expressing a worried emotion.*

Sid: then the army showed up and ended everything, captured Nero and still in search for Leo

Alexis: that’s why you want to find him? So the army wouldn’t get to him first?

Sid: the army? Hah! They won't stand a chance against him, he’s strongest as I’ve ever seen him, scary strong. The army should pray we get to him before they do

Alexis looks down at her hands and nervously fiddles with her fingers.
As she flashes back to the time at the Branded hideout when Kieran slaughtered her family.

Alexis: ..you think..?

Sid: what?

She shakes her head and says, “never mind,” in her soft voice.

Sid: what? Say it

Reluctant, she submits to asking the question that’s been ailing her mind.

Alexis: do you think Leo is strong enough to beat him?

Sid: you mean Kieran?

Alexis: yes

Sid: honestly, I don't really know, both Leo and Kieran are monsters. Who knows how strong Kieran really is?

Nero walks into the room and leans by the door frame.

Nero: yo

Alexis: morning

Sid: what's up?

Nero: is Adakis up yet?

Alexis: he never sleeps

Sid: yeah, we’ve actually been waiting for you so we can get started

Nero: well let’s get started then

Alexis leads them to Adakis' “psychic room”. Where he usually does his thing. He appears sitting behind his table.

Adakis: have a seat

He says and they all oblige by doing so. Every seat occupied around the circular table.

Nero: so, how do we do this? Do we hold hands and you do a little séance?

Sid: uh, a séance is for dead people, Nero

Nero: whatever

Adakis: no, there’s no need to hold hands. I just need silence while I do this

The room goes silent for several seconds, then Adakis' abilities go to work. A light flashes from behind the blindfold covering his eyes.

After the passing year and a half, Adakis has been figuring out different ways to hone his abilities and gain extra usage of them, extra senses, allowing him to perceive where his eyes can’t. Following, what he calls “Soul Force” a translucent aura surrounding an individual, allowing him to see and locate the person –which works perfectly for humans, Reborn beings are a different story, because of their Soul Force masked by a secondary aura.
Adakis extends his latent visual to perceive a large portion of the world. An overview that helps him see outside boarders and helps him locate people or things.

Adakis: I...can’t see him...I can't see him anywhere but...

Nero: what?

Adakis: ..it’s like...he’s vanished...

Nero: what does that mean? Is he...dead?
*He asks anxiously.*

Adakis: no...he’s very much alive I can tell you that. I can feel his power...he’s just...hard to locate...

Adakis snaps out from his trance and takes a few sharp breaths.

Adakis: Alexis, I'm going to need you for this

Alexis: okay

Both Alexis and Adakis go into a trance together.
Sid watches in utmost confusion.

Adakis: okay...are we linked?

Alexis: yes

Adakis: good...let’s scour this place for him

Together Adakis and Alexis' combine their powers, the marks/brands on their bodies begin to glow. They use their abilities to enhance their eyesight, together they see through the world.

Alexis: I...can...feel him

Adakis: me too...we're getting close

Nero can barely hold himself together, all he needs is a location and he'll be out of the shop faster than a bullet through a window.

Adakis: ...where?

Alexis: It’s too bright. I'm...losing him

Adakis: don't stray from the link, Alexis

Alexis: I'll try

Adakis: he’s around here somewhere

Nero: where? Where are you two?

Adakis: silence please, Nero

Nero grinds his teeth in agonizing anticipation.

Adakis: Alexis, I can feel you straying

Alexis: I'm not straying...I'm losing...it. I’m losing the link

Adakis: just a little more...stay with me...

Alexis: I'm...not as strong as...you
*Blood trickles down her nose.*

Sid catches a glimpse of it.

Sid: Adakis, you have to stop

Nero: let them do it, Sid

Sid: for God's sake she's bleeding

Adakis: hold on a little more, Alexis

Alexis: ..I'm...trying
*More blood runs down her nose, now dripping to her shirt.*

Sid: stop!

Adakis: a little closer

Sid: STOP!!

Adakis: almost...there..

Sid, already on the edge of his seat, his worry for Alexis' wellbeing brimming intensely.
Alexis slowly loses consciousness.

Adakis: he’s here! Keep the link! ...he's...gone?

Alexis loses the link and snaps out of her trance. She collapses to the ground but with Sid’s quick reflexes, he manages to catch her as she falls.

Nero: where? Where is he? What happened?

Alexis: ..I'm sorry, Nero

Sid: don’t talk, you need to rest

Nero: Adakis, where is he?

Adakis: he’s vanished. We were able to pinpoint his location but...

Nero: what?

Alexis: he’s...not there any more

Nero: what does that mean?

Adakis: he’s been moving location to location in seconds, almost like he’s everywhere or...teleporting

Nero: what?

Adakis: I'm sorry Nero, we can't find your bro...

Nero pushes the table aside and grabs Adakis then backs him into a wall.

Sid: Nero!!

Nero: you said you’ll help me find him, so do it!

Sid: Nero, let him go!!

Adakis: it's fine, Sid

Sid: ...

Adakis: look Nero, I know you’re eager to find your brother, but losing your head over it and fighting your allies is no way to do it

Nero, raging and breathing heavily, slowly releases his grip and let's go of Adakis.

Adakis: I'm still going to help you locate your brother

Sid: but I thought you said you can't find him

Adakis: yes, I can't, not when Alexis is like this. It took a lot out of her, it may take days or maybe weeks till she fully recovers

Sid glares at the now unconscious Alexis resting in his arms.

Adakis: but there is another way I can help locate, Leo. It’s a slow method but it will work

Nero: how?

Adakis: in order for this to work, I'm going to need something of his, something he keeps close to his heart. Do you have anything like that on you?

Nero: ..no

Adakis: well in order for it to work, I'll need something of importance to him

Nero: his pendant

Sid snaps his head back at Nero, remembering exactly where the pendant is at the moment.

Sid: you mean the one he had on his neck?

Nero: yeah

Sid: do you have any idea who has that?

Nero: I do. I've seen him wearing it every time he came to torture me

Sid: Nero? Don't

Nero: he has something that belongs to my brother, something that will help me find him

Sid: ...

Nero: I'm going after Enzo

To Be Continued...

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