Episode 23: Oncoming Army Threat

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<Episode 23>
Oncoming Army Threat

Next morning.
Emily's hideout.
Emily makes herself and the boys something to eat, not much, just a few eggs and whatever she may find. Sid looks out the balcony, for a rancid side of town and place, it has one hell of a view, you can almost see half the city from there. Nero remains on the sofa, still staring at the ceiling, lost in thought.

Emily heads out to the balcony.

Emily: hey, breakfast is ready

Sid: really? Thanks I'm starved

Sid heads over for the plate with bigger food.

Emily: hey, that was mine

Sid: I don't see your name on it

He says with his mouth full. With a smile on her face, Emily shakes her head at him.

Emily: hey, are you going to eat?

She asks Nero, whom is still staring at the ceiling. It seems he didn’t sleep at all last night.

Nero: ...

Emily: I'm gonna leave this plate here

She sets the plate down.

Emily: It’s right there when you feel like eating

Nero: ...

Sid on the other side, stuffs his face, he throws in a chunk one after another, you can barely see him chew.

Emily: geez, slow down you animal

Sid: what?

He says, with his mouth full.

Emily: never mind

She shakes her head at him, this time there's no smile, just… disappointment.
Emily takes a seat and begins to eat as well. For a few minutes there's no talking, just the sound of knives and forks touching the plates, she turns over to look behind her and notices Nero eating as well. The moment she turns back she finds Sid relaxed, sitting back on his seat with bread crumbs on his mouth, full.

Sid: ahh, that did the trick

Emily: I'm glad you enjoyed it

Sid: mmhmm

Emily shakes her head at him disappointedly.

Sid: oh yeah, you never really told us

Emily: told you what?

Sid: how and why you teamed up with Lee

Emily: oh. It’s not really that big of a deal, I just tracked him down and asked for his help

Sid: you're going to have to do better than that

Emily: what?

She says, with her mouth full.

Sid: spill it… and I don't mean the food

She swallows.

Emily: fine, what do you want to know first?

Sid: how did you find him?

Emily: it wasn't easy, in fact I got lucky. I searched almost everywhere, gone from city to city looking for him, then one day I got lucky, he was on a mission at Sapphire City

Sid: when was this?

Emily: about a month ago

Sid: you were in Sapphire City a month ago and you didn't tell me?

Emily: you had your whole army thing

Sid: still, you could've at least popped by to say “hi” or something

Emily: I didn't want to bother you

Sid: bother me? Emily, I hadn't seen you in what? A year?

Emily: ..I had my own mission to do, Sid. I hope you could understand that

Sid: I know you did and still do, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take some time to see your friends, I mean we are friends aren't we?

Emily: of course we are… best friends actually

Sid: yeah, some best friend you are

He rolls his eyes while saying that.

Nero places his plate down, he's done with his food. And then sits back once again.

Sid: Emily, I don't mean to make you feel bad or anything but you shouldn't look past us, well at least me. We went through a lot, if you needed help you should've asked

Emily: if I were to do that, would you have come?

Sid: yeah, no question

Emily: really? What about the mission you had at that time?

Sid: okay maybe I was going to protest a lil, just a tad bit

Emily: I couldn't have done that to you, you spent all that time ranking up in the army to try to help Nero, and you did. I didn't want to get in the way of that

Sid: ...

Emily: that's why I asked Lee for help

Sid: I get it… I guess it worked out for the best

Emily: I guess


Seraph City Army Base.
Col. Aizen walks Lieutenant Asami through the works, the map of the city so she could understand the layout of it. Unlike Sapphire City, Seraph City is much smaller in size and can easily be covered by the amount of soldiers they have.

Col. Aizen: this is the base, right in the middle of the city

Asami: I see that. So tell me Colonel, if you were a wanted fugitive, where would you take rest?

Col. Aizen: I'd make sure that I stay out of the opening and take rest in some of these darkened areas, the slums. Places where no one would recognize me

Asami: I see

Col. Aizen: you thinking they might be hiding in one of those places?

Asami: It’s worth a shot. I mean we don't really know why they came here in the first place, they could have some friends helping them along or they could be here for hiding. Either way, it doesn't really matter to me, what matters is seeing them dead

Col. Aizen: hmm

Asami: I want two units casing each of the slums in this city and I may need a list of known mercenaries as well, maybe they could be working together

Col. Aizen: all right

Asami feels a sharp pain on her injured arm, she takes a seat to nurse the wound. A medic soldier approaches.

Medic: ma'am, may I see?

Asami: It’s fine, I just moved a little suddenly that's all

Medic: even so ma'am, I have to check on your wound, it may feel like something small but in reality it could have more effect than you think

Asami: *sigh* fine

The medic loosens the sling then removes it. Asami removes her amour vest and buttons down her shirt, leaving her with just her tank top. The male soldiers in the room can't barely avert their eyes, they stare directly at her chest, most if not all of them have never seen Asami with just a shirt on, her army uniform usually covers her up, but now, her bust is seen by all who dream of touching it.

The medic examines her wound and finds that a few of her stitches have came off.

Medic: It’s as I thought. We're going to need to re-stitch you up

Asami: great

The male soldiers can secretly rejoice because they can continue to perve on their Lieutenant.

Asami: what are you all staring at!?

Soldier: n… nothing

Asami: there are places in this city that I want you to check out, instead of standing there and doing nothing, get your asses out there and do something!

Soldier: yes ma'am, let's move out

Everyone leaves aside from Asami's unit. Namely the two always by her side, Iwasaki and Sergeant Amber.

Amber: what do you want us to do?

Asami: the Colonel will hand you his list of known mercenaries in this city, I want you to check them all out

Amber: got it

Amber nods over at Iwasaki to indicate that they should be on their way.


Emily’s hideout.

Sid: so, we need to come up with a plan. We can’t just sit here on our asses and hope that something will happen

Emily: yeah, I hear you

Nero: ...

Sid: hey, Emily

Emily: what?

Sid: is that the only thing you nabbed from Genesis?

Emily: ye… yeah, why?

Sid: *sigh* I need something with a map of this city, if we had that, we'd be able to know the places where the army will be looking and be able to avoid that

Emily: wait, the GSR has a map installed

Sid: you're kidding

Emily: no I'm for real

Emily heads over to her backpack and pulls out the GSR. She displays a digital map on its screen.

Emily: see?

Sid: well thank you, Genesis

Emily: you mean thank you, Emily. I stole it remember?

Sid: whatever

As Sid and Emily look into the digital map, Nero takes a walk to the balcony and takes in the view. He can see the theme park from it. The sight of it makes him clench his fist in anger. For some reason, he looks down and low and behold, army trucks arrive.

Nero: yo

Emily and Sid turn to look at him, they think finally he has something to say to them, ever since they arrived at this hideout, he hasn't said a word, until now.

Sid: what?

Nero: we have company, we gotta move

To Be Continued...

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