Episode 11: Unexpected Visitor

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<Episode 11>
Unexpected Visitor

Future Sight.
The whole mind link ordeal has taken a toll on Alexis’ mind and body as she lays unconscious on a bed, recuperating in slumber.
Nero, geared up and all set on leaving to go off to find Enzo and reclaim what rightfully belongs to his brother. His blood boiling from flashes of his torture from Enzo’s hands.
Sid shuffles past and around Nero, standing in his way, blocking his path.

Sid: wait, wait...Nero, think about this, you're heading straight into their hands by doing this, Enzo is probably out there looking for you now

Nero: good, it'll make my search for him a lot easier

Nero blows past Sid and starts to the door, a couple seconds pass and the door closes behind him. Sid contemplates his options, whether to go after him or not.

Sid: Adakis, you gotta talk him out of this

Adakis: I don't think I can, Sid

Sid: ...

Adakis: you of all people should know what Leo means to him. No amount of words can make him turn back

Sid: he'll be in risk of capture again—and if that happens, I don't know if I can save him again

Adakis: you knew this was to happen when you saved him the first time

Sid: yeah but...still

Adakis: as strong as Nero is, he'll be needing you by his side to calm him down. You've noticed he hasn't been his old self haven’t you?

Sid: yeah, of course I have

Adakis: well in order for him to find himself once again, he'll need a friend to guide him back. Nero is currently walking towards a dark path. His rage against the army works as a guide but also blinds him. I’m afraid Nero may do something he cannot come back from

Sid: ..I hear you...

Sid heads out of the shop and rushes to catch up to Nero.

Sid: yo, wait up

Nero: I'm not turning back, Sid

Sid: I know that. I'm just coming along

Nero: you're wanted just as much as I am, are you sure about tagging along?

Sid: yeah

Nero: don't slow me down then

Sid: wouldn't dream of it

Nero: which way is the base?

Sid: east side of the city. Wait, you’re not planning on infiltrating the base are you?

Nero: and if I am?

Sid: you’ll get yourself killed!

Nero: not if I kill them first

Sid recalls Adakis’ words before leaving the shop. He believes that if he does not come up with an idea soon, Nero will inevitably get himself killed.

And another thought comes to Sid’s mind, how Nero was completely against killing people, but seeing him now makes him feel uneasy about it. That he might start killing people now.


City of Aramis.
The Genesis Head Quarters in the City of Aramis is still under surveillance by Enzo and his unit of Sergeants. Over thirty hours of surveillance and still no luck of reporting anything vital back to the General.

Higgens: all this waiting is killing me, when are we going to get a little action?

Anderson: I know what you mean, I just want this mission over and done with already

Higgens: hey, Anderson

Anderson: yeah?

Higgens: how do you think Nero escaped?

Anderson: I don’t know, but if I were to guess, I’d say it was an inside job

Higgens: yeah?

Anderson: yeah. That’s my guess

Higgens: yeah, but who would be dumb enough to do that?

Anderson: that, I don’t know

Higgens: how do you think Lieutenant Enzo is taking this?

Anderson: he’s probably imploding as we speak. He’s been at his edge ever since we met him. I mean, the guy did have to watch his best friend get killed right in front of him

Higgens: Nero was his only leverage to find Leo, without him his walk of vengeance is at a dead-end

Anderson: exactly

The backdoor of the surveillance truck creaks a metallic sound as it opens.

Enzo: anything?

Higgens: nothing worth reporting, sir

Enzo sighs a grunt and shuts the door. Anderson and Higgens swap expressions and return to surveying.


Sapphire City.
Nero and Sid head towards the army base, on their way there Sid gets another message from “The Dragon”, it reads; “we have to meet up asap”. Sid replies with a text of his own, “not today, I'm quite busy right now”. The Dragon sends a text back in almost a minute and a half, it reads; “I may have something that can help you with your army situation, but I don't know how long I may have it, I'm on their radar too.”
Sid pauses for a second and replies, “what is it?”. The Dragon replies, “I can't explain it now, you'll have to meet me in person.” Sid contemplates his decision, meanwhile The Dragon sends another text, “you know I wouldn't contact you if it wasn't urgent or legit.” Sid replies, “fine, where?”. The Dragon sends another text, “there's an internet café near the city square, meet me on the rooftop opposite that place.”

Nero takes notice of Sid as he’s currently looking at his phone.

Nero: what's with you and that phone?

Sid: that contact of mine I told you about yesterday, The Dragon. He says he may have something that can help us with the army

Nero: something like what?

Sid: he didn't say, said he needs to meet me in person

Nero: and you're going?

Sid: I don't know, what do you think?

Nero considers, he already has a plan on what to do when he gets to the base, but if Sid is there, it might put his life in danger. So he decides.

Nero: go and meet your friend

Sid: right, but I'm not going alone. I can't let you head to the base on your own

Nero: I'll be fine

Sid: you might need backup. I know that base back to back, with me there I can be your map

Nero: fine, what do you suggest?

Sid: my friend said he'll be on the rooftop of the building directly opposite the internet café, which is just right around that corner

Nero: hurry up and meet him, then get back

Sid: you're not coming?

Nero: I'm not going to enjoy seeing a hackers reunion, I'll be here if you need me

Sid: right, I'll be back in a minute

Nero: keep your head down

Sid: will do

Nero: and hurry up, I'm not standing here any longer than I have to

Sid heads towards the meeting point, as soon as he turns the corner, Nero makes his way to the base without him.

In just a matter of minutes, Sid makes it to the rooftop of the building. He finds the place empty, then he calls out to him. To his surprise, an unexpected female voice sounds behind him. He recognizes it in an instant.

Asami: well, you're a tough one to find

Sid: oh...shit

Sid tries to turn back but Asami's unit is already covering the exit, gun’s locked and loaded.

Iwasaki: going somewhere?

Sid: ...

Asami: good work, Iwasaki. Your plan worked perfectly

Sid, cornered and trapped, he remains standing with his arms in the air.


Nero reaches the entrance of the base, with his hoody up, seemingly incognito to prying eyes. The soldiers around don't pay him no mind.

Nero: where are you, Enzo?
*He says under his breath*

Glaring at a safe distance from the base and scanning out for the one he seeks, Enzo. However, with no luck of picking him out from the soldiers currently patrolling. He ponders, he could probably be inside somewhere. So maybe if he were to make a loud enough ruckus, Enzo would come to him instead.
It’s decided, he's going in.

Nero catapults himself through the air with his abilities and lands straight in the middle of the base. The sound of his feet meeting with the concrete sounds off an earth shattering thunder-like thud.
Soldiers around turn to look at him, at first they're confused as to what's going on, but at second glance, they immediately recognize him. The soldiers faces drop in terror after seeing him.


Asami wastes no time in questioning Sid. She walks up to him and grabs him by his collar.

Asami: where is he!?

Sid: who?

Asami: your Reborn mercenary friend? Nero!! Where is he!?

Sid: who? I have no idea as to whom you're talking about

Amber runs the butt of her shotgun to the back of Sid's head. He collapses to the ground on his knees, then peer’s over his shoulder to meet her gaze, and as well as the barrel of her shotgun.

Sid: ugh...that hurt

Amber: if you don't want it to happen again, I'd suggest you stop playing dumb

Sid: he's not here. He’s long gone by now

Asami: no, you came here because you thought that you were to receive Intel that could help you fight us. I'm sure that your friend is somewhere here, waiting for you to come back, am I right?

Sid remains silent and keeps his thoughts to himself.

Asami: I'll take that as a yes. Now, where could he be?
*She says as she leans and stares right at his face.*


Army Base.
The soldiers try their hardest to fend off Nero's attacks, but with no luck. He uses his abilities to fight them off, evading oncoming bullets. Using his black wing, he fires off his razor sharp feathers to pierce through their armor, breaking their necks, the detonation of his black feathers explodes, killing everyone who comes in his way without a brief show of hesitation.

One frantic soldier takes cover and radios in for help, he alerts every soldier of the current situation.

Soldier: come in, come in, all units! We're under attack, I repeat the base is under attack by a Reborn. It’s him, I repeat it’s the wanted Reborn, calling all available units to the base, we need help!

The call reaches every available frequency in a twenty mile radius. Including Asami and her unit.


The distress call sounds off loudly from the soldiers radio, audible to anyone around.

Amber: Lieutenant!

Sid: (shit Nero, what are you doing?)

Asami: he's at the base!

To Be Continued...

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