Episode 24: Infamous

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<Episode 24>

Sid and Emily rush over to the balcony as well.

Emily: how many of them are there?

Sid: shit, it looks like a dozen. Is there anyway we can escape without being seen?

Emily: yeah, follow me

Emily leads them to a back exit.

Down stairs.
The army asks around if they've seen the people in the posters they have. Most of the people around don't bother looking in their direction, others carry on with whatever they were doing, then you see others quickly duck and scurry away from the mere sight of the army.

Soldier: hey, you

Creepy guy: yes?

Soldier: have you seen these men around?

The creepy guy squints his eyes as he looks into the pictures.

Creepy guy: hmm?

Soldier: do you recognize em?

Creepy guy: yes, I do actually

Soldier: where did you last see them? And where did they go?

Creepy guy: they were accompanying a woman who comes here frequently

Soldier: where are they?

Creepy guy: head through this alleyway, there's some kind of storage apartment, they went in there

The soldiers hurry into the alleyway, the leader of the squad radios in.

Reed: attention all squads, we have a location to the targets

The frequency clears through Asami as well.

Reed: the targets are last seen on the southwest sector of the city, we're there right now, awaiting for back up

Seraph City - Army base.
Asami, still getting stitched up, talks into her comms.

Asami: all available squads head over to that location now!

Southwest sector.
The back alleys of the city, the three of them sneak through and try to find they're way out from under the armies nose. But because of the latest order, more army trucks and vans have managed to cover a large portion of the plain and more squads are on the way.

Sid: damn, they got this way blocked too

Emily: they're everywhere

Nero: we can just blow past them

Sid: no! No more killing, and either way doing that will only tell the rest of them our location. Right now their on to us but not hot on our trail

Nero: so, what do you suggest?

Sid: just gimme a moment to think

Back at Emily's hideout, the army team busts in and ransacks the place looking for them. The team leader radios in.

Reed: they're not here, it looks like we just missed them. They're not too far, keep your eyes open they could be anywhere


Sid: I got an idea. Emily they don't know you, so you're the only one who can pull this off

Emily: what do you need me to do?

Sid: seeing how you're good with your hands, I need you to go in that truck over there and get me one of their radios

Emily: what? No way I'm not doing that, think of something else

Sid: It’s the only thing I can think of right now. It’s our only shot

Emily: how am I going to do that? They can see me

Sid: Nero and I will offer you a distraction, now go

Emily: *sigh* fine

She heads out into the opening, heads straight to where the army is.

Soldier2: hey, hey, hey miss, you can't come through here, this road is closed

Emily: but I need to get to that library over there, can't you just let me through? Please?

Soldier2: no, I can't

Emily: pretty please

Soldier2: I don't care how cute you are, you're not going through

An explosion erupts just a few meters from where Nero and Sid are.

Emily: whoa, what the..?

Soldier2: miss, I'm going to need you to get to safety. Hey guys, let's check that out!

The soldier joins another team and goes to check out what caused the explosion, meanwhile he left the trucks unsupervised and Emily manages to grab one of the radios and hurries out of the way.

She heads into another alley and meets up with the guys.

Emily: here. What was that?

Sid: that was your distraction

Emily looks over to Nero, who barely sheds her a stare, he concentrates elsewhere. For a moment she opens her mouth and then closes it, she decides not to say anything to him. Ever since they met up he hasn't said much to her, he's probably not ready to talk yet.

Nero: what are you doing?

Sid: first I'm listening in to them, I have to know where they're situated

The radio goes off.

Soldier2: we just had an explosion not two minutes ago, we can't tell for sure if it was they're work but we'll keep an eye out for them

Reed: all right, we've got the whole southwest covered by now. There's no way they can escape

Radio silence.

Emily: they have us pinned down

Sid: not for long

Sid clears his voice. Then he speaks into the radio in a totally different voice, he speaks with a British accent.

Sid: attention all units! He’s airborne, I repeat the target is airborne

Reed: where are you?

Sid: (Reed?)
He recognizes the voice.

Sid: down at the unison grove near the library, the target seems to have jumped about two hundred feet in the air over to southeast, he could be at the square by now

Asami: all units head over there now!

Reed: you heard the Lieutenant let's go!

Radio silence.

Emily: I can't believe that worked

Sid: that voice
He also recognized Asami’s voice just now.

Nero: the woman?

Sid: yeah, that was Asami

Emily: who is she? And since when can you speak in a British accent?

Sid: she's the Lieutenant, if she's here then things are really bad. And secondly, I’m a man of many talents

He praises himself.
Sid drops the radio and breaks it.

Sid: we have to go, come on

Thirty minutes later.

Seraph City square, whole teams of the army have gathered there and closed the place down, no one coming in or out.

Reed: he's not here

Soldier: what do you think?

Reed: I don't know but this doesn't seem right

Soldier: could it have been them who gave us this bogus location?

Reed: yeah, to get us off their scent, fuck! Where the fuck are you hiding bastard?

Reed, still harbours hatred towards Sid for betraying the army and teaming up with the enemy, he angers, he just can’t wait to see him again and put a bullet into his skull.

Seraph City - Army base.
Asami is losing her cool, ever since that incident back at the Sapphire City Base, she's been easy to unravel.

Asami: son of a bitch!

Medic: your stitches ma'am, you really should take it easy

The Colonel enters the room.

Col. Aizen: you here alone? Where's your personal squad?

Asami: I've sent them out to check out every mercenary on your wanted list

Col. Aizen: oh, and you think that's a good idea? It may take them weeks or maybe months to track them down

Asami: I hand picked that team, it'll take them at least two days to get through it, they'll be fine

Col. Aizen: I'm surprised you have them running such errands, you could’ve sent some of my men to do that job and yet you chose your unit. I wonder why that is

Asami: did you come in here to talk about my unit or did you have something to say?

Colonel: whoa, easy soldier, remember that I’m still your ranking superior, watch how you talk to me

Asami: you’re right, I’m sorry sir, it won’t happen again

Col. Aizen: actually there is something, you need not worry too much about finding those fugitives. I have ways on how to narrow down the search for you

Asami: how?

Col. Aizen: walk with me

He leads Asami outside, Seraph city like any other city has endless billboards in place, advertising all day and everyday. This time, it has something much more vital to advertise. On every billboard in the city, pictures and images of Sid and Nero are placed on the screens and on the big screen at the square, they are plastered with brief descriptions.

Col. Aizen: now, instead of just having our men on the lookout for them, we have the whole city to do that for us

Asami: this could work

Somewhere in the city.
Nero, Sid and as well as Emily notice the billboard with their faces plastered on the big screen.

Sid: you've got to be kidding me

Nero: shit

Emily: this is so not good

To Be Continued...

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