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~ Four years later ~

Meredith sat outside and watched as the children ran around and played. Well, most of the children played.

Madeleine was home on summer break from college as she had started earlier that year.

Michael had started sophomore year, Violet started sixth grade, and Lillian had started second grade.

The twins were three and were still going through daycare at the hospital, they were only three.

The younger four were playing around while Madeleine and Michael helped Derek in the kitchen.

"Mommy, Chloe fell and hurt her knee!" Lillian yelled as Chloe started crying.

She got up from her chair and walked over to where the children were playing.

"What happened?" She asked as she lifted Chloe into her arms.

"She tripped over a rock or something, I think she's being dramatic," Lillian said.

"Her knees bleeding. I'll take her inside," she said.

"Can I keep playing?" Lillian asked. "Yes, just be careful, and get rid of that rock, I don't want you or your brother to trip over it," she said as she took Chloe inside.

She brought her into the bathroom and placed her on the sink.

"It's okay Chloe, you're going to be okay. I'm going to clean you up and then wrap your knee and then you can take a nap, okay?" She said as she kissed her forehead.

She grabbed the emergency kit from under the sink. She used some rubbing alcohol and cleaned the would causing Chloe to cry even more.

The cut was larger than she thought it would be but it must have been a large rock.

She quickly cleaned up the wound and wrapped her knee in gauze.

"Let's go get you changed, Hmm?" She said lifting Chloe off the counter.

"No, this is my favourite dwess!" She said as she started to calm down.

"I know but you got dirt all over it. We need to put it through the wash. You can wear it as soon as it's clean," she said.

She took Chloe into her room and dressed her in a pair of clean clothes. Chloe chose to put on her favourite pair of pyjamas as she started to get tired.

She brought Chloe into the living room. She organized all the couch pillows around her and placed a blanket over her lap.

She handed Chloe her favourite stuffed animal she had since she was a baby and turned on the TV for her.

"Stay here, you shouldn't try to walk yet until your leg is a bit better," she kissed her forehead and left the room.

She left Chloe and went into the kitchen to check on Derek and the other kids.

"How's it going?" She asked. "It's going well. Why was Chloe crying so much?" He said.

"She stripped over a rock and hurt her knee. It was pretty bad for a rock but she'll be fine," she said.

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