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He had sat in that chair for almost an hour, if not more.

He only stared at her body, listening to the machines breathe for her.

He hoped that she would miraculously wake up if he waited long enough, but she didn't.

She stayed asleep and she didn't move.

It was getting later and he was becoming tired. Richard had visited Meredith in the past few hours and so had some of her friends.

He had met them for the first times and they all agreed they wished it was on better circumstances.

Richard continued to remind him that he should go home and get some rest in an actual bed but he refused every time.

Everything stayed the same in the hours he sat in that chair, it felt like it was in a loop.

Meredith didn't move and the machines made the same sound every few seconds.

He was tired and wanted to close his eyes but the machines were getting irritating.

But he couldn't leave her, it felt wrong to leave her alone after something so tragic had happened, especially since he was partly to blame.

He didn't want her to be alone if anything happened.

He was about the fall asleep when his phone started ringing. He groaned as he sat up in search of his phone.

He finally found it in his back pocket, he didn't look at the ID before answering it.

"Hello?" He answered as he leaned his head back onto the sofa chair.

"Where are you? It's late and we got back around two hours ago. we figured you'd be at Meredith's but we wanted to make sure in case anything happened," his mothers voice came through the phone.

"Meredith was in a car accident. There was a drunk driver and he passed out at the wheel and totalled her car.. she had some internal bleedings and had to have surgery and I'm currently waiting for her to wake up," he spoke tiredly.

"Oh my god, is she going to be okay?" Shock
came through her voice.

"We don't know, she's been out for a few hours," tears filled his eyes as he spoke about it.

"How's the driver?" She asked.

"he's fine, he had a few scratches but he got out a while ago and should be fine," he was still angry that Meredith continued to suffer but he was able to go freely despite it all being his doing.

"Oh..." she sighed.

"Look Ma, Im going to have to call you in the morning," he spoke after a few seconds of silence.

"Yes of course. We can pick up the kids for you if you're busy tomorrow morning,"

"Yes, thank you.. bye,"

"Bye," and with that the call ended.

He turned off his phone and placed it back into his pocket. He continued to watch Meredith sleep for the next twenty minutes before there was a knock at the door.

He already knew who it was so he didn't bother turning around to check.

"Shepherd, you should have left hours ago. There's nothing you can do for her in the position she is in... Meredith would want you to go home and rest, she wouldn't want you to sit here waiting for nothing.. if she's going to wake up it's not going to happen for a few weeks at least. It's not going to happen today or tomorrow.. I told her friends that and I'm telling you so you'll go home," he said as we walked over to Meredith, checking her vitals and making sure everything was right.

"I was the one who called her, she was in bed when I called her.. if i never called her she wouldn't have been driving.. it was the hour idiots go out drinking, I should have known that," he said keeping his eyes on Meredith.

"You didn't get behind that wheel drunk, you didn't get her in the road knowing it would happen.. As long as you weren't driving in his car, it wasn't your fault,"

"You should go home," he said again.

"What good is that going to do?" He looked up at him.

"What good is you sitting here watching her? She's not going to wake up as long as you expect her to, you know that's how it works, you're a brain surgeon, you know she won't wake up... go home, get some rest, see your kids and then come back in the morning.. if anything changes I'll let you know. Just go," he said.

"In a minute," he closed his eyes for a second.

"Get a cup of coffee so you can get home safely and then get some rest," he told him.

"You're still as bossy and pushy as you used to be," he groaned as he moved to stand up.

"You're planning on marrying Meredith, you must like bossy and pushy,"

"At least she means well, you doing it is just annoying," he said as he left the room, leaving Richard alone with Meredith.

He did as Richard said and grabbed a cup of coffee so he was able to drive home without getting into a car crash of his own.

He noticed one of Meredith's friends lingering around him, the blonde one, he couldn't remember her name, her hair was a lot blonder then Meredith's, less natural.

He chose to ignore her and leave the hospital. He threw his coffee into the trash and got into his car before driving home.

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