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"So Dad, what did you want to tell us?" Madeleine asked as she looked up at her father. they were now all eating around the table in the kitchen.

Derek wasn't the biggest fan of eating fast food but thankfully they sold salads as well.

"Well, I'm seeing someone," I blurted. it had to be said and he just wanted to get it over with.

all three of their heads looked up at him when he said that and silenced filled the room.

"What does that mean?" Violet asked after a minute of silence.

"It means he has a girlfriend," Madeleine said. he could already see what she thought, she didn't say it but it was obvious.

she looked back down at the table and continued eating.

"Really?" Violet asked with a bit of excitement in her voice.

"Yes, I've been seeing her for a while now and I didn't want to tell you until I knew for sure if it was going to get serious or not and in order for the relationship to be able to go to the next level you three need to know.. You deserve to know," he said.

"Does she know you have kids? especially three of them, I thought women didn't want men like that," Madeleine said.

"Yes, she knows, she's seen pictures of you," he smiled, trying to make light of the subject.

"Please don't tell me you showed her the picture of me naked when I was a baby," Michael said, that seemed to be the only part he cared about.

"Yes, I did," he chuckles lightly.

"Oh great, I haven't even met her yet and she's already seen my naked," he groaned.

"Don't worry, she thought you were cute,"

"We have to meet her?" Madeleine rolled her eyes.

"Yes, you all will. I'm not sure when but you will.. I thought it would be best for me to tell you about her now and then when you're ready you will meet her," he said calmly.

he loved Meredith, he did. and he wanted her to be apart of the kids lives. he knew Madeleine and Michael most likely wouldn't ever see her as a mother figure but Violet was still young and she was going to need someone to teach her about girl things that he wouldn't have been able to explain to her in the way she would need.

And Violet would have someone to look up to growing up and he could finally be genuinely happy. he was happy with his life but something always felt missing.. but now it felt like everything was where it was supposed to be.

He had Meredith and he had his kids, that's all he needed.

"Is she nice?" Violet asked.

"Yes, she's very nice.. she's actually the one who told me it was time to tell you three about us dating," he smiled. he enjoyed talking about Meredith and he was happy that at least one of the kids seemed happy that he was seeing someone.

"So if she didn't say anything you would have just never told us until you got married?" Madeleine said.

"Yes, I was actually looking at engagement rings the other day," he said. Madeleine put her food down and glared at him.

"I was kidding," he said. he wasn't kidding but she wasn't ready to hear that and he hadn't really thought it through quite yet.

he didn't have a ring in mind and he didn't know Meredith ring size, nor did he know how to figure out her ring size without making it seem obvious, he also didn't know what kind of ring Meredith would like.

"Good because I don't want a fake mom and have that woman living in my house," she said.

"Madeleine, this isn't your house, it's mine. and if the relationship goes there then there's nothing you can do about it.. maybe it'll be good for you, she's not a horrible person, she's not going to give you a reason to hate her," he said.

"Her dating my dad is a reason for me to hate her," she raised her voice a bit.

"fine you can hate her silently but you're not aloud to say anything when you meet her," he raised his voice a bit also.

"I don't know why I have to meet her, you're not going to marry her anyways,"

"You don't know that. just eat your food and we can talk about it before bed," he said.

My tik tok acc had been deceased for longer than Derek shepherd so please go follow it. I know it sounds desperate but I am and don't care 😁 its @Derekspxssy

Words: 749

Words: 749

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