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Madeleine was sitting in her bed reading. she had gone upstairs into her room after they had all came back into the house and she was getting bored of all the chaos.

Madeleine had a phone in her room, it wasn't one she used every day or used it often, she only used it to make phones calls or if there was an emergency.

as she was reading she heard it start to ring, it was unusual for people to call her and it was around the time of the month that Addison called so she figured it would be her.

she closed her book and ran to her desk where her phone was tucked away in one of the drawers.

she grabbed the phone from the drawer and saw her mothers name flash across the screen.

"Hi mom," she smiled through the phone.

"hey, kid. anything new over at your dads?" Addison asked.

"Grandma and Grandpa are visiting... Dad also has a new girlfriend," she shrugged. that caught Addison's attention. despite the many lovers she had after her and Derek's divorce she didn't want him to move on from her, she preferred him to stay wanting her even though she needed more than just him.

"what do you know about this woman?" she asked. she wanted to get as much information as she needed.

"her name is Meredith, she's a surgeon too like dad, and dad's in love with her.. he said he wants to marry her one day," that was not a good sound.

"Marry her? how long has he known this woman?"

"almost a year. they were dating for a while before he told us, he said he wanted to make sure the relationship was serious before telling us about him having a girlfriend," she said.

"Do you like her?"

"No, not really, I mean.. she not mean to me or anything I just don't want a new mom and if dad is dating her then he won't be with you.. and I just want you to come back home," she started to tear up and you could hear the sadness in her voice.

"I know mads... is she pretty?"

"I don't know, kind of, yeah," she sniffled and wiped away the tears that fell.

"Is she young, blonde, skinny? Where's a lot of makeup?"

"She doesn't wear a lot of makeup," she sat down on her bed.

"But the rest are all true?"

"Yes. Why does it matter, are you coming home soon?" She cried.

"Madeleine don't cry, it's not a good look especially for girls your age... but I might need to take a look of this so called girlfriend your father has picked up,"

"Are you coming to Seattle or not mom? I just want to see you, just for a little bit," she begged.

"I don't know Madeleine, I have a lot going on over here.. I also have this new boyfriend who needs a lottt of attention, if you know what I mean," she giggled.

"No I don't know what you mean,"

"You're too young but you'll get it one day,"

"Mom, are you coming to see us or not? Michael and daddy always say you're never coming back and Violet doesn't even remember you,"

"Who's Violet?"

"Your daughter, the little one, she looks like daddy,"

"Honey all of you look like your dad, it's a shame, you would have been gorgeous if you looked like me," she sighed as she played with a strand of her hair.

"But not if I look like dad?" She frowned.

"You look alright from what I remember, I haven't seen you in a bit,"

"Then come home," she whined

"Cant, I've got things and people to do.. maybe next month kid," she say up straight in her office chair.

"But you always say that," she cried.

"Madeleine, don't be so selfish, I have things to do wether I like it or not. Goodbye, oh and take a pic of your dads girlfriend and send it to me,"

She hung up the phone and threw it across the room before wrapping her arms around her knees and sobbing into her jeans.

She thought that this phone call would be different from the rest, that her mother would finally come to see her... but it wasn't, it was just like the rest.

It had been two years of this and she was starting to think her mother would never come home to visit them.

After a few minutes of sobbing she heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs before they made their way down the hallway and to her bedroom.

There were three knocks on the door but sue gave him no answer.

"Madeleine, is everything okay in there?" He asked but she still gave him no answer.

He opened the bedroom door and found his daughter against the headboard crying.

"Madeleine, what happened?" He asked with concern as he walked over to where she sat.

"Mom called," she cried, not removing her head from her knees.


"She's not coming this month because she has a new boyfriend and he needs a lot of attention," she cried.

"Maddy... you have to let her go sweetie, she's not coming back. She's made her decision to stay in LA.. that's how she wants it," he told her softly.

"But why? Why did she have to leave, why didn't you make her stay?" She looked up at him with her tearful blue eyes.

"She left in the middle of the night when we were all sleeping, I didn't notice her leave and even if I did there wouldn't have been anything I could have done to make her stay... she chose to leave because she didn't want to be a mom anymore,"

"Why not? What did we do?" She cried as she pressed her face back into her knees.

"Nothing, you did nothing. She didn't leave because of you, she left because of herself... you can't keep letting her do this to you every month Madeleine,"

"You have to just let her go," he said.

"But then I'll never have a mom," she wiped her eyes.

"Honey... you haven't had a mom in two years, you just didn't notice.. and you still have me,"

"And Meredith," Violet said as she stood at the doorframe.

"I don't want Meredith, I want mom,"

"I think you have a better chance with Meredith than you will your mother," he said.

"I'm just going to take a nap, if mom calls tell me," she rolled over onto her side.

"Alright, sweetie," he said as he stood up.

He kissed her head before he left the room with Violet. He shut off the lights and closed the door before taking Violet downstairs.

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