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A few hours later after Meredith had gotten dressed after her shower Carolyn arrived.

Lillian had behaved while she was in the shower but then started to fuss when she got hungry.

She fed her and she was a happy baby. She took her and went into the living room.

"Can you take her for a bit? she's moving a lot for someone that can't hold her head," she said handing her to Derek.

"Sure," he said and held her in his arms. "Ow!" He said when his mother hit him on the arm.

"Whose baby is that? And you better not say it's yours," she said. "We were busy and I couldn't find the time to tell anyone," he said.

"Derek Christopher Shepherd!" She said. "Yes, and this is Lillian Meredith Grey-Shepherd," he said.

"I... you're lucky she's cute, let me hold her," she said taking to baby from him.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered as Meredith sat down next to him.

"A little nauseous and dizzy but that's it," she said.

"What about pain?" He asked. "No, sore but I'm always sore so that's normal now," she said.

"Do you want to take any medication for it?" He said. "No,  I don't want to have to take painkillers every day, I look like an addict," she said.

"If you're in pain you should take something for it," he said. "It's not pain, I'm just uncomfortable," she said.


• two years later •

Madeleine was now fourteen, Michael was eleven, Violet was seven, and Lillian was two.

Meredith and Derek had gotten married when Lillian was a year old. She sat with Lizzie through the entire ceremony.

Violet was the flower girl, Cristina was the maid of honour and Mark was the best man.

After the wedding, they had a three-week honeymoon in Rome, Italy. Meredith was now a resident and Derek was still head of neuro.

There had been no sign of Addison even though she had called Richard asking for a job the day Meredith had Lillian.

Ever since Derek always felt like one day he'd come home and find her there or waiting outside.

Legally she had no rights to the children, she had signed away all rights when she sent the divorce papers in the mail and he had taken them to his lawyer.

Thankfully she didn't make it hard and he didn't have to sue knowing Addison would have found some way to get what she wanted.

He hadn't told Meredith about it since when he found out she had just had major abdominal surgery and he didn't want her worrying about it as well.

It had been four years since she left and it felt like the kids had finally fully moved on from it.

They all knew she wasn't coming back and Madeleine stopped wanting her to. Everything felt perfect the way it was.

They all enjoyed it except for Meredith. Of course, she was happy her family was happy and everything was going well but whenever her life was going too well she would get a feeling that something bad would happen like things were too good to be true.

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