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It was days later and Derek had still failed to mention Lillian's existence to any of his family members.

He got a call this morning from his mother saying she was going to be visiting and was already on the way to Seattle.

She was taking the last ferry and would probably be there by the time the sun started to set.

"How have you not told your mother I was pregnant? I mean you did have nine months to tell her," Meredith said after she had just put Lillian down for a nap.

"I don't know, we were busy in all those months. You know you could have told her too," he said.

"She's your mother, and I hardly know how to talk to that woman. I'm always scared my going to say the wrong thing, you were supposed to tell her," she says.

"Well we can't tell her now, we just have to wait for her to get here and then she'll see her and be happy," he said.

"You do realize she's probably going to be pissed that you didn't tell her I was pregnant," she said.

"You didn't either," he said. "I don't have her number," she said. "There's my phone," he said.

"I'm not taking your phone, just wait until she gets here, but do not throw me under the boss, this is on you," she said.

"Why is this my fault?" He asked. "It's your mother, I would have told my mother if she recognized me but she doesn't so I'm off the hook," she said.

"Well she'll be here by the end of the day, so there's no hiding it," he said.

"Her, hiding her," she said. "I know, I meant the fact that we didn't tell her," he said.

"You didn't tell her," she said. "Fine, it's my fault," he said. "Yeah, it is," she said.

"Anyways, how are you feeling, are you recovering okay?" He asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's a little tender and there's still a lot of bleeding," she said as she had been wearing postpartum diapers since Lillian was born.

"That's normal, it should go down in a couple of months, you didn't get your period for a whole nine months, remember?" He said.

"Yeah but it's still annoying, sometimes I wonder if it's normal to bleed this much," she said.

"I'm sure it's fine, you have nothing to worry about," he comforted her.

"Well there's nothing normal about bleeding from your vagina," she said leaning back into his arms.

"You've bled from there before, it's not one hundred not normal," he said.

"Yes, very helpful," she rolled her eyes.

"Are you ready to see my mother? You don't want to freak out or anything?" He asked.

"No, she's been here before, she knows me, the house is clean, and Lillian's asleep. The kids are... I don't know where the kids are, in their rooms," she said.

"Maddy and Michael are doing their homework and Violet is reading," he said.

"Wow, such perfect children you have?" She smiled sarcastically.

"Well, we can only hope Lillian will be as perfect. The more kids you have the easier it gets," he said.

"Well Lillie might not be as easy, if she's anything like me she's going to be a wild child," she said.

"Were you?" He asked. "Yes, I was good for the most part when I was young because I wanted to make my mother happy, but when I found out that was never going to happen I went the other way... I did a lot of things I shouldn't have," she said.

"You make it sound like you killed someone," he said. "Almost did junior year, but that's not important," she said.

"No, I think I want to hear that story," he said. "No, no, it's really not that interesting," she shook her head.

"Do you have a criminal record, a mugshot?" He asked. "No, they let it go because they understood," she said.

"They understood how you almost killed someone when you were seventeen?" He asked. "Yes," she said.

"Okay you have to tell me that story one day," he said as Violet came into the room.

"Where's the baby?" She asked looking around the room.

"She's asleep right now. Your grandma is going to be coming soon," he said.

"Really, How come?" She asked. "Is she coming to meet the baby?" She said.

"Your Dad actually never told your grandmother that we had a baby," she said.

"What?" She asked. "Meredith," he said. "Yes, she's coming to meet the baby and she wanted to see you guys again," he said.

"When is she coming?" She asked. "She'll be here later in the evening," he said. She nodded and played with her toys.

"Seriously?" He said. "It's true," she said. "Okay, why don't you go shower and change, Hmm?" He suggested.

"Am I getting too annoying?" She chuckled. "A little, yeah," he smiled as she stood up and went to shower.

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