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It was a few nights later and Derek was at Meredith's place instead of her coming to his place.

She had called him crying in the middle of the night so he called mark and had him sleep in the guest room so he could go check on Meredith while the children were still asleep.

They were now laying in bed. Meredith was asleep despite him waking up in the middle of the night.

She had coughed a bit and that had woken him up and he couldn't seem to fall back asleep.

So instead he decided to watch Meredith sleep. She was curled into his side with tear stains running down her cheeks.

He could hardly make out the words she was saying when he arrived he still didn't know why she was so upset. He was sure she had said why, he just wasn't able to understand any of it.

He did his best and managed to get her to calm down. When she had finally stopped crying he made her a bath.

When she got in she insisted on him getting in too and that was on offer he couldn't say no too.

It wasn't the kind of bath they usually took. Usually they would already be turned on by each other by the time they got to the bathroom and had hot bath sex.

But this one wasn't like that, they stayed completely silent the entire time, he didn't ask her any questions and she didn't talk.

After that they got dressed into some more comfortable clothes and went to bed. which took them to now, laying in bed, she was asleep and he was watching her sleep.

it was now four in the morning and he watched the ceiling fan spin, blowing a small gust of wind upon them whilst his arm was wrapped around her and she slept quietly on his chest.

he felt her start to stir a bit he removed his eyes from the ceiling fan and turned his head to watch her to see if she would wake up or fall back asleep.

she re-adjusted herself to get more comfortable. "Does your head hurt?" he pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head as her eyes fluttered open.

"A little bit," she said in a raspy voice. she sat up a bit and moved further up the bed so she was face to face with him.

"Are you going to tell me what you were so upset about, or do you need a little more time?" he ran his shirt up her shirt and gently ran his fingertips up and down the soft skin of her back.

"I thought I told you before we took a bath?" she laid her head on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck.

"I think you did, I just couldn't take out what you were saying I-... I've never seen you cry like that.. I just don't understand what happened to make you so upset," he said with concern in his voice.

he thought he knew Meredith well, very well after they had been together for almost a year, they're anniversary was actually coming up soon.

but after so long he thought he had seen every side of her, every emotion, he thought he knew everything about her, if not almost everything, but now he wasn't sure.

"It's just.. It's a family thing," she tried to blow it off.

"I thought you weren't close with your mother?"

"I'm not, which is why I was surprised when she called me.. and then she told me something... I don't know why I was so upset when she told me, it's really not that big of a deal and since we're not close I shouldn't care because if it was the other way around she wouldn't have cared but... I don't know, I think it just opened something in me," she shrugged.

"is she okay?"

"Yeah, no.. sort of," she shrugged again.

"what does that mean?" he asked.

"she has Alzheimer's, it's early onset right now but it'll get worse with time," she said.

"Meredith," he sat up and she sat up as well against the headboard.

"it's not that big, she'll be fine but when it gets worse I'll just have to put her in a home.. and she's no longer aloud to operate which is the main reason she's pissed.. she was only upset because of that, she didn't care about the rest,"

"Meredith, that's a big deal. it could lead to the point where she doesn't even recognize who you are,"  he moved next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I know, that's the only good part... at least when I visit her she won't tell me how disappointed she is in me because she won't even know who I am," she giggled.

"Meredith," he sighed.

"I know, I know it's bad. but we were never close, I don't know why I care, if I was sick she wouldn't care, let alone cry herself to sleep about it," a tear ran down her cheek as she looked into her lap.

"You care because you're a better person than she is, and you should be upset because she's your mother,"

"Don't you have to get back to your kids?" she asked wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Marks with them and he can take them to school, and I have one more day off and I want to spend as much of it as I can with you," he leaned down to kiss her lips.

"You're abandoning your children so can get laid?" she smiled a bit.

"No, that's just a bonus. are you hungry?" he asked. "sure," she shrugged.

"But first I'm going to lay back down," she kissed his cheek before laying back down under the covers.

he chuckled softly. he slapped her ass gently before getting out of bed and going into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Words: 1004

Y'all aren't ready for what's coming🤭🤭

Y'all aren't ready for what's coming🤭🤭

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