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Derek had asked Violet what they could do together with Meredith. she had a few ideas but the only idea he agreed on was going to the park.

Madeleine had sort of grown out of enjoying the park but she could also read there if she liked.

They didn't have to talk to her or really interact with her but they could get used to her presence and just purely on her being there with them.

that's what they needed before they could feel more comfortable with speaking to her and getting to know her better.

he had brought up the idea to Michael and he agreed on it. he had then brought up the idea with Madeleine which soon turned into an argument.

"Maddy, it's not that bad. you don't have to talk to Meredith, you don't even really have to be around her. just go to the park with her, you can read there, you can draw there, or you could just play on your ipad," he argued.

they were in the living room. Derek sat on the couch with one leg crossed over the other as Madeleine stood in the middle of the room across from him.

"So what? you're just going to find any reason to get me to be near her? what is mom going to do when she finds out you're trying to replace her with some dumb girl!" she argued back.

"Madeleine, your mother isn't coming back! she left because she didn't want to do any of it anymore, she left because she doesn't want to be a mother anymore, she doesn't want to be a wife anymore, she wants nothing to do with us, that's why she left. we don't even know where she is!" he yelled

"she said she was in L.A!" she yelled back.

"how do you know she's still even there? she calls once a month, she tells you she'll be visiting you and she never comes, she's done nothing but lie to you your entire life!"

"You lied to me too, you said you loved her, you said we would always be a happy family but now she's gone and some random girl we don't know is trying to be our new mom!"

"Made-... that's not what Meredith is trying to do. she's not with me because she wants to be your mother, believe it or not most woman nowadays don't want kids let alone someone else's. she's with me because she loves me and she loves me enough to deal with you!"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"What your language!"

"I don't want a new mother!"

"she's not going to be your new mother! you don't have a mother! Meredith is that girlfriend and the only thing she'll ever be to you in the future is a stepmother if you keep acting like this!" he yelled. Madeleine was silent.

"Stepmother...? your going to marry her, she's going to live here?" she asked, but this time she had stopped yelling.

"Yes, one day she will be my wife and you don't get a say in that. Michael likes her and Violet likes her, you can either choose to get to know her before you start judging her or you can learn to tolerate it all but if you are not aloud to act like this. this isn't your decision," he had also stopped yelling.

he stood up and walked out of the room only to find Violet standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"We have no mommy?" she asked in a vulnerable voice.

"Honey... I thought you knew that," he said softly as he crouched down in front of her.

"You just said she went away," she whimpered. he said nothing more. he didn't know what else to say without hurting her even more.

"..But you're going to marry Meredith?" she asked with a small bit of hope in her voice.

"if everything goes the way it should and it's meant to be, then yes, one day... but I don't want you to get your hopes up quite yet but I don't know what's going to happen in the future.. nobody does.. alright?" he asked. he loved how much Violet was looking forward to seeing Meredith again but he didn't want her to get her hopes up and then for something to happen and her have her heartbroken. at least he knew he wouldn't have to worry about that with Madeleine.

"Okay," she nodded her head.

"Okay, why don't you go play for a little bit, alright?"

"Okay, can you come play with me?" she asked.

"Yes, in a second, I just want to talk to your sister first. I'll there in a sec," he kissed her head as she nodded and ran upstairs and into her room.

he turned around to look for Madeleine.. but she was gone, and the front door was open.

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