Chapter Fourteen: Aftermath

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A groan leaves my lips. My entire body feels like I was hit by a train. 'What happened..?'

I force one eye to crack open. White. That's all I see. A moment later, my other eye opens as well. I rub a hand over my face and through my hair. 'Where am I?'

"N/n-chan! You're okay!" Someone crashes into me, hugging my body tight against their own.

I groan in pain, making Izuku scramble to get off me. "Shit, Zuzu."


I reach a hand out, silently asking for help. Izuku seems to understand as he gently grabs my hand and helps me sit up. I take this moment to survey my surroundings. It looks like I'm in a hospital room. 'What am I doing in the hospital?' My eyes widen when I remember what happened. My legs swing off the bed, and I try to stand up.

"Wait, N/n-chan! You shouldn't move so fast!"

"Is Kirishima okay!?" I ask as I make it to my feet, my voice sounding desperate. "And Fatgum! They were hurt badly... I need to see them..." My legs give out under me, causing me to stumble forward into Izuku's open arms.

Izuku wraps his arms around me tight, rubbing my back soothingly. "Hey. It's alright, everyone is okay." He picks me up bridal style and gently places me back on the hospital bed. "Kirishima is in a room down the hall. You can visit him after you drink some water. Recovery Girl said you didn't get many injuries, but you were extremely dehydrated. She's surprised you are still alive." Izuku sighs, making me look up at him with glossy eyes. "I talked to Kirishima before coming here. He told me you healed him, even though you barely had the energy to stand."

My head snaps up, and my red eyes meet green. "I had to! He risked his life to protect me. I couldn't let him die."

Izuku grins at me. "You have feelings for him, don't you?"

My body freezes, and I can feel my face heating up. "What? Why would you? I don't! I..."

"You don't use that ability unless you really care about someone."

I groan, knowing Izuku caught me. He knows me too well. "Yeah... You caught me."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I look away from Izuku, not wanting to see the sad look on his face. We are best friends and we tell each other everything, so it's only right he feels sad about this. "It's just... I really like Kirishima, but Kats has made it his mission to keep every boy away from me. The fewer people that know, the better chance of him not finding out." A water bottle enters my vision. I grab it from Izuku's hand, open it up, and drink the whole thing in a matter of seconds. I feel my energy and stamina start to slowly regain. "Thank you."

"I won't say anything to Kacchan. I promise."

"I know," I say, giving Izuku puppy dog eyes. "Can I go see him now?"

Izuku laughs, nodding his head. He knows I won't be satisfied until I see Kirishima myself. He helps me stand up, making sure I am okay to walk on my own. He walks with me until we are standing outside Kirishima's room. "I'll wait out here until you are done visiting. Don't take too long, though. You need to rest some more."

I nod my head, then quietly open the door. I slowly enter the room to see Kirishima and Amajiki chatting to one another through the closed curtain separating their beds. I take one step forward, then freeze seeing the bandages wrapped around Kirishima. Tears gather in my eyes, but don't fall. I quickly scurry forward, and my feet padding against the ground alerts my redheaded friend.

Kirishima sits up when he sees me. "Y/n? Oof!"

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling Kirishima into an almost suffocating hug. I feel like I can finally breathe again now that I have seen with my own eyes that he is okay. "Oh, thank god you're okay! I was so worried!"

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