Chapter Twelve: An Unpleasant Talk

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It's been a few days since I started my hero work study at Fatgums agency, along with Kirishima. The two of us have been growing closer and spending more time together, both in and out of the agency. I'm sitting with Kirishima at his desk right now, quietly chatting about random things. Kirishima looks dead tired, but he still manages to nod and at least pretend to listen to what I'm saying.

"Holy crap, Kirishima! Y/n!" Kaminari shoves his phone into our faces, a news article pulled up. "Take a look at this! Both your hero names are all over the news sites today. It's freakin' crazy! 'Newcomer sidekicks, Red Riot and Hydra burst onto the scene! They rescued innocent civilians and fought a villain on their very first patrol!'" A photo of Kirishima in his hardened form mid-fight is shown. A second photo is shown of me in my water form, as the blades from the villains quirk are going right through me.

I wrap my hands over Kaminaris hand that is holding his phone, pulling it closer so I can see the pictures better. "Oh wow! I didn't know someone took our pictures!" I tilt the phone so Kirishima can see them as well.

"That's a really manly picture they got of you."

I laugh at his statement while letting go of Kaminaris' hand. I giggle softly at the obvious red blush across his face. He looks like he is about to short-circuit from me just touching his hand. He rushes off to a fuming Mineta, probably to go brag about me 'holding his hand'.

What a dork.

I turn back to Kirishima, elbowing him in the side. The action making him laugh with me. "Thanks! So is yours."

Katsuki growls from his spot a few feet away, clearly upset that he isn't allowed to participate in hero work studies yet. Ever since I started my work study, he has been talking to me less. I can't tell if he is mad that I'm pulling ahead of him or if it's something else.

I can't just stop improving because he wants to be a big baby. He should have taken the second part of the exam more seriously.

"And they aren't the not the only ones! Look, check out Tsu and Uraraka! 'New sidekicks at Ryukyu Agency. Two there for a work study.' That's so cool!" Mina shows us the article on her phone.

"Wow! I can't believe this is real!" Ochako gushes, looking at the article on Minas phone.

Tsu looks over Ochako's shoulder to get a look, too. "When did they even snap that picture?"

"I'm so jealous!" Hagakure shouts, waving her arms about.

"And check this! 'What heroes in training! They're cute. They're efficient. But even more importantly, they manage to get the job done.'" Jiro reads off her phone next.

"You have provisional licenses now, and you're seen as heroes. I must thank you for your service." Iida starts calmly. He then stares at us intensely. "But a student's top priority is academics! Hit those books."

"Yeah, let's learn stuff! We got this! Right?" Kirishima pumps his fists in the air. Izuku nods, agreeing with the redhead.

"Wait, didn't you tell us you've been having trouble with your assignments lately?" Kaminari asks, arms crossed behind his head.

"The teachers said they'd set up some extra lessons for me. And Y/n has been helping me study, too." Kirishima grins at me.

I chuckle, smiling back. "Yup. The way to and from the Agency is the perfect time for quizzing you."

Sero scratches the back of his head in thought. "Maybe I should have checked into those. I am totally slipping."

"Remember," Momo starts, entering the conversation. "We all learn at our own pace."

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