Chapter Thirteen: Go!

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I stand right beside Kirishima in the crowd of heroes. We are outside the Hassaikai headquarters, getting ready to start our mission. I glance up to see Kirishima already staring down at me. "You ready?"

I give a curt nod. "Yeah." I look forward once again, just in time to see a villain punch the front door open. The door smashes into the officers who are standing in front.

Mr. Aizawa is the first to act, swinging his capture weapon to safely grab two officers from the air. Izuku moves quickly to catch the third one mid-air.

"Whaddaya want? It's too early for visitors." The villain stands up fully, revealing just how freaking tall he is.

Locklock shouts, "Aw, man! You kiddin' me? How do they already know we're here?"

"No time for questions. Let's go!"

"That's good. I'm waking up a little." The masked villain cocks his arm back and it grows bigger. "Why are you people here?" He shouts, releasing his punch.

Ryukyu transforms into her dragon form, blocking the punch. "Listen to me. We shouldn't split up too many of our forces yet. The Ryukyu Agency will take care of this villain." She yanks her arm up, then quickly smashes it back down on top of the villain, immobilizing him temporarily. "The rest of you. Go!"

Fatgum starts to direct everyone to start moving towards the building. "You heard her! Everyone, move! C'mon!" Kirishima and I follow after him when he rushes towards the building himself. "Hate to just barge in like this. But, we're kind of in a hurry! Haven't seen any signs of suspicious activity yet!"

"Same here. But, hey, we're in it now, right?" Locklock responds. "We got no choice but to see it through."

"Is it possible that somebody leaked our plans for the raid? There must be a reason they all came pouring out like that," Amajiki says.

"There's nothing that matters more to these guys than their bond with their boss and their brothers. Being part of the underworld only makes loyalty that much more sacred to them. All those people outside, but we haven't caught sight of the top brass yet. They're probably underground hiding or getting ready to flee."

Kirishima snaps, "How's that supposed to be loyalty? Forcing their henchmen to fight for them while they run away isn't manly at all!"

"Dirtbags," I utter under my breath.

Nighteye suddenly hults, examining the wall. "This is it. There's a device here that opens a hidden passage." He removes the flower vase and pushes a specific spot under it. "You press down the floorboards in a specific order, and then..." Part of the wall starts to open up, revealing a secret path.

"It's like a ninja hideout! How cool!" Bubble Girl exclaims.

"Thank goodness for your quirk, Sir. Guards up. We don't know what we might be facing in there." Just as Centipeder finishes his sentence, a hand reaches out from behind the door. Three guys jump out from the entrance. "Bubble Girl! You handle the third!" Centipeder grabs two of the men and lifts them high in the air.

Bubble Girl swiftly takes the third guy down. She blinds him by popping a bubble in his eyes and flips him onto his stomach. She grabs one of the guys' arms, pulling it behind his back, and leans a knee into his spine. "We'll make sure these guys don't follow. You go on ahead. We'll catch up when we can."

"You heard her!" Sir Nighteye leads us through the entrance, down the staircase, and we go to the right at the end of the tunnel. "We're almost there. Hurry!"

We stop, noticing we have run into a dead end.

"So much for your Foresight, Nighteye!"

'I swear, Locklock might be a hero, but he just pisses me off.' I huff.

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