Chapter Eleven: Work Studies Begin!

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I sit on the couch, criss-cross applesauce. Next to me is Izuku, telling us all about his hero work studies. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of jealous he managed to find one so fast. I'm still super happy for my best friend, though.

"The hero work studies are a more serious version of your internship. They entail helping pro agencies on the streets and with investigations. Your teachers and the principal discussed them at the faculty meeting. And we all agree. It's too soon. They should really be canceled." Mr. Aizawa had said, making the class upset at the outcome.

"But..." Mr. Aizawa trails off, gaining our attention again. "Some people think we won't be able to raise strong heroes with that sort of protective outlook. And with that in mind, the compromise is to be selective about participating agencies. So, choose one with a proven track record. Otherwise, you won't be taking part."

I lean sideways, wrapping my arms around Izuku in a big hug. "I figured you would manage to find a place to do hero work studies."

"Congratulations, Deku! That's awesome," Ochako says, sitting on one of the square single seats. Next to her are Mineta and Mina, each sitting on their own single seat. Tsu is sitting on the other couch, and Iida is standing beside me.

Iida holds out his hand to shake with Izuku. "Indeed. Well done, Midoriya."

"Thanks, guys."

"Thank you. You're an example to us all."

Kaminari speaks up from behind me, making me turn to see him, Kirishima, Sero, and Sato walking towards us. "I dunno how the rest of us are supposed to compete, though."

"Yeah, you'll be working at Sir Nighteyes agency," Sero adds. "That's seriously amazing."

Kirishima speaks up next. "And I hear Togata recommended you."

"Pretty impressive, man!" Sato says.

"Um. Yeah, I guess." Izuku mumbles.

"I wish I had a place picked out. The school said Gunhead hasn't had enough interns, so his agency is a no-go."

"I know what you mean. I wanted to go to Selkie's, but that's out, too."

Kirishima leans against the back of the couch, letting his arms drape over it. "Yeah, so is Fourth Kind. He doesn't even accept students for work studies."

"At least you guys have some connections from the Sports Festival and your internships. I gotta get a hold of my old mentor. Maybe she can get me a connection here?" I say, tapping my chin in thought.

"It's so awesome you got to work with and train under the Number 4 Hero in America," Izuku states, eyes sparkling with excitement.

I nod. "Yeah. She's awesome."

"The teachers sure aren't making it easy for us, are they?" Sero leans his back against the couch behind me.

Kaminari puts his hands in his pockets, sighing. "Thanks to all these requirements, a ton of agencies are ruled out right off the bat."

"We can't really blame them. Unlike the internships, we'll be directly involved, so if anything were to go wrong, then..." Ojiro trails off.

"Then the pros have to take responsibility for whatever happened."

"Oh, hey, Mr. Aizawa!" Kaminari greets our teacher.

"Only pros who are the real deal will take on rookies like you guys, knowing the risks involved. Tokoyami, looks like you've got an offer from one of them. Hawks has invited you to work with him in Kyushu."

Electric Love {Kaminari Denki x Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن