Chapter Three: New Classmate

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I walk into the kitchen, a yawn escaping my lips. I only managed to get about four hours of sleep since mom lectured me for hours after returning home with Katsuki last night. She was proud of me for stepping up, but also mad because I could have gotten seriously hurt.

"Morning, sweetheart."

"Good morning, dad."

"How'd you sleep last night?" Dad asks, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Like shit. Even after falling asleep, all I could hear was moms yelling. She haunts my dreams sometimes."

"Y'know, you really had us worried last night, kiddo. After Midoriya's mom called to make sure you made it home alright and you never came home, we thought something bad might have happened to ya."

I frown at the thought of worrying my parents that much. I didn't mean to make them worry. "I didn't think about that. I just wanted to do what I could to save Kats."

"I know, sweetheart." Dad chuckles while ruffling my hair. "You're gonna make a great hero someday."

A smile makes its way to my face as I swat dad's hand away. "Hey! I just brushed my hair!"

I hear the doorbell go off, signaling that someone is here. I look up at my dad to see he looks just as confused. We both go to see who's at the door, but mom is already standing there talking to someone.

"Oh, come in!" Mom opens the door wider to let the person, or should I say people, in.

My eyes widen at seeing All Might walk into our living room with another man. I feel like I know who that other guy is, but I can't remember where I've seen him from.

I plug my ears, seeing mom looking at the staircase. "Katsuki, get down here! Your teachers are here!" The two guys look shocked at moms yell. Mom turns back to them and motions for them to sit on the smaller couch. "Please, take a seat while we wait for Katsuki. Would you like anything to drink?"

"No, thank you," the dark-haired man speaks, sitting down next to All Might.

Katsuki walks down the stairs, looking confused, but walks over to the couch facing our guests and sits down without a word. I've never seen him so quiet before. He must think it's all his fault that All Might had to retire. I can read that boy like a book. Most of the time, at least. Mom and dad each sit down on one side of Katsuki while I walk behind the couch to listen to.

The dark-haired man speaks first, "We came here today to discuss the students moving into dorms on campus."

"You kiddin? Hell yeah, get this kid in a dorm room." Without a second thought, mom agreed to the idea while smacking Katsuki upside the head. Making me cover my mouth with one hand to not let my laughter out.

"You hag! Hit me again, and I'll kill you!"

Mom smacks Katsuki again, this time I can't help the loud laugh that leaves my mouth, and starts screaming at Katsuki, "If you hadn't been so damn weak, you never would've gotten caught and caused all that trouble! Your sister had to save your ass!"

"Hey, wait! Don't drag me into this!"

Katsuki growls at mom, his quirk setting off little sparks in his hands.

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