Chapter Eight: First Day

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I walk into the common area, a hand covering my mouth from a yawn. Today is my first day of class at UA. It will be exciting to see how different classes are here versus America.

I stop in my tracks to see Izuku and Katsuki cleaning the common area. Both are vacuuming the floors, covered with bandages. A couple of classmates are watching them.

"Hilarious!" Kaminari exclaims.

Sero nods, agreeing with the blond. "You two are morons."

"What the fuck did you two do?"

Mina turns to me with a hint of amusement in her eyes. "They threw down last night and are now on house arrest!"

"What?!" My eyes widen, then they narrow at my brother. "Why are you such an idiot?"

Katsukis head whips in my direction and points a threatening finger at me. "Who the hell are you calling an idiot!?"

"You! Obviously."

I turn to Izuku to see Uraraka and Iida walk up to him. "So did you guys make up after or..?"

"Well, it wasn't that we made up, exactly. Hm... It's kinda hard to put into words," Izuku says, tapping his chin in thought.

Iida is quick to scold the two, "You two are lucky you got away with house arrest. Though this does mean you'll miss the opening ceremony we're going to right now."

I nod, agreeing with Iida walking up to Katsuki. "You could have gotten yourself expelled, dummy." I flick Katsukis forehead lightly. He swats my hand away with a low growl.

"Bakugo. What about our extra classes?"

"Shut up, Icy Hot! This has nothing to do with you," Katsuki shouts, vacuuming even more aggressively.

"Kay, well, thanks for cleaning up!" Katsuki only responds to Kaminari with another growl, this one a little louder.

Everyone leaves to make it to the ceremony on time, but I wait a moment until they are all gone. I turn to Izuku and Katsuki, who look at me with curiosity. "You two are idiots," I shake my head in disbelief. "No more fighting. Got it?" I glare at the both of them, making them tense up a bit.

"Yes, N/n-chan!" Izuku squeaks out, not wanting to upset me further.

"Tch, whatever."

I launch a tiny water ball, the size of a penny, into the back of Katsukis neck. "Don't even think about asking me to heal your injuries later."

Katsuki jolts, rubbing the back of his neck. "You brat! I don't need your help."

"Be good," I say one last time before leaving the dorms. I shut the door behind me and turn to see one of my classmates waiting for me. "You didn't have to wait for me."

Kirishima grins while scratching the back of his head. "Well, it wouldn't be manly of me to let you walk by yourself."

I chuckle lightly, playing along with him. "You're right. That would not be manly at all."

As the two of us catch up with the rest of the class, I feel Kirishima tense up next to me. I slow down for a moment and glance over to see his face a light pink color. "You okay?"

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