Chapter Nine: The Big Three

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"You use 'had' as past tense, while 'have' is present tense," I explain to Mina before class starts. She is sitting in her chair, working on the practice sheet I made for her. I'm standing beside her desk with a pencil in my hand, pointing out the mistakes she made.

Mina runs a hand through her hair. "This is so hard."

I sigh softly. "Just keep practicing and studying every night. It'll eventually click. That's how I got the language down so fast."

"Study every night!" Mina whines, dropping her pencil to grip both sides of her head.

Kirishima chuckles from his desk, looking over the study sheet I gave him. "It's not that bad. Besides, Y/n gave us these awesome study sheets to help us."

Kaminari looks over the study sheet on Kirishima's desk. "Hey, Y/n. You think you could make one of these for me, too?"

I chuckle lightly, pulling out another study sheet from my bag. "I made extras just in case anyone else wanted one." I hand the sheet to Kaminari. I also grab a second one and hand it over to Sero, who starts to look over the sheet I gave Kaminari.

Sero rubs the back of his neck with a grin. "Ha ha, thanks!"

"Your kindness is unmatched! Just like your beauty." Kaminari praises me. I giggle softly at his dorky smile.

"Class Rep Iida! I'm sorry I disappointed you!" Izuku shouts, catching my attention. He's finally back from his three day suspension.

Iida looks a little taken back from Izuku's outburst. "Right. Well, I'm glad you learned from your mistakes. Follow the rules from now on."

"I'll catch up with everything I fell behind on these past three days!"

Kirishima stands up from his desk, cheering Izuku on. "That's the fightin' the spirit! Do it, man!"

"I just hope Kats learned his lesson, too." I let out a small groan, talking to myself. "That dummy is going to be the reason I go gray by 20."

"Time to take your seats, everyone." I rush to my seat in the back row, not wanting to upset Mr. Aizawa at all. "Morning. Now that Midoriya is back, we'll go into more detail about what the work studies entail. Go ahead and come in. I'll have people who've experienced them firsthand explain."

I tilt my head slightly, wondering who could be visiting us. The door opens, and three upperclassmen walk into the room.

"I suggest you listen carefully as they point out how work studies differ from internships. These three are third years at UA. They rank at the very top of our student body. You may know them as the Big Three."

My eyes widen slightly at Mr. Aizawas announcement. The Big Three are the best of the best. I've heard about them, but I never thought I'd be able to meet them.

The tall blond has his arms crossed over his chest, standing proud with confidence oozing from him. The girl next to him stands with her arms folded behind her back. She's standing with confidence as well. The dark-haired boy beside her has his hands stuffed in his front pockets, head facing towards the floor. He looks like he would rather be anywhere else.

I tap my chin in thought. 'He must have anxiety or something.'

"Get to it. Introduce yourselves briefly. Let's start with Amajiki."

The dark-haired boy glances up from the floor, staring at us all with an intense look. The intensity of the stare makes me gasp in surprise. "It's no good," Amajiki mutters after a minute. His words seem to catch his two friends by surprise. He starts trembling as he continues to speak. "You two go. I just can't. Even if I try to imagine them as potatoes, I can see their human bodies. I know that they're still people. No words are coming out. My mind's blank, and my mouth is dry. I can't say anything. I wanna..." Amajiki quickly turns 180 degrees and faces the wall. "Go home."

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