I Need You

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Mina's POV

I was walking back from the market. And as I was walking up to my front door. I saw this nice red car in the drive way. And I knew who's car it was. Sehun's here?  Omo I'm not prepared. This is all so sudden. I was even considering walking somewhere else so I could  have time to think. But I decided to just woman up and talk to him.
I opened my front door and yelled my moms name. "I'm in the kitchen!" She yelled back and I walked to where she was. I saw her chopping vegetables up and there was no sign of Sehun.
"Mom why is Sehun's car outside of our house" I asked whispering with wide eyes. "He said he needed to talk to you so I invited him in. He's in your room" my mom said smiling. "Why are you smiling? " I asked.
And my mom paused from her cutting  and looked at me. "Because I like him for you. I don't know why but I just have a good feeling about him. And you know if I can sense something positive. I'm never wrong" my mom said. And she was right. My mom has this weird ability to know when people mean well or not. She said it happens with age. The older you get,the wiser.
I smiled and thanked her. Then I walked up the stairs slowly. I took in a deep breath before I grabbed the door and pushed it open. I walked in and didn't see Sehun sitting on my bed. But when I walked all the way inside, I saw that he was sitting on my table.
We just looked at each other without saying anything. But this time, I thought that I should be the one to speak up first. "My umma said that you needed to talk to me" I said closing my door back.
"Yeah I do" he said lowly. I sat on my bed and put my hands in my lap. Waiting for him to speak. He then jumped down off of my table and stood up. He paced back and forth twice while he was bitting his lip. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.
He doesn't even know that when he's nervous, he's being attractive. I know this might be weird to say. But I just missed seeing his face.
"I just wanted to apologize for what happened between us" Sehun said looking at me while rubbing the nape of his neck. "I didn't know why you did it but now I know. So it's okay Sehun I forgive you" I said. He just looked at me without saying anything. He still looked upset about something. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I just can't seem to do the right thing. Especially when it comes to people that I care about." Sehun said looking away from me.
"Sehun you did do the right thing" I said confused and happy at the same time. It felt good to hear that he cared about me,since for a while I thought that he didn't.
"If I did the right thing Mina. You would have never gotten kidnapped In the first place." Sehun said. "Sehun you didn't know that was going to happen" I said. But he ignored me.
"I should've been there to protect you Mina. This is all my fault. You we're in the hospital because of me." Sehun said sadly. "Sehun" I said but he cut me off. "But I'm glad that you have somebody that will do a better job than I ever did" he said. "What are you talking about." I asked. "Its okay I know about you and Baekhyun dating. I'm glad that you found happiness with him" Sehun said with his head to the floor. I chuckled a bit and Sehun looked at me.
"Me and Baekhyun never dated. My mom just thought he was my boyfriend " I said. "But I heard you guys talking in the hospital room" Sehun said.
"Well if you stayed the whole time,you would have heard me tell my mom that she was wrong" I said. Sehun didnt say anything.
Then I thought since he was here, that I should ask him something.
"Why did you bring up the secret at the lunch table " I asked trying not to tear up. Sehuns face fell and he ruffled up his hair.
"Because I got jealous about you and Baekhyun" he said.
"And that gives you the right to talk about that? " I said feeling my anger get the best of me. And I hadn't realized that I was crying.
"Mina I-" he started. "No Sehun,you promised me that you would never tell anyone" I said hysterically. That topic was a open wound that will never heal. It hurt me deeply whenever it was brought up.
He nealed in front of me and we were almost the same height. He looked at me with sorrow filled eyes. "I'm sorry Mina,I didn't mean to hurt you."he said soflty before wiping my tears with his thumb.
"Then why did you do it" I asked as I stared into his orbs. "I can't really put it into the right words" he said truthfully. "Just come out and say it"
"Okay fine" Sehun said.
"Mina you make me crazy. I can't handle you looking like your having fun with another male that's not me. Your this beautiful and smart girl. With a model figure. And your smile makes my day. And when you act awkwardly around me. I find it irresistible. I tried to keep my distance from you because I thought that would make you happy. But I can't take it. Not being around you or hearing your voice everyday was killing me. What I'm trying to say is that Mina.........I Love You" He said taking me by surprise. And I was just staring at him with wide eyes. He really seemed like he was telling  me the truth. Any feeling of anger I had toward Sehun quickly vanished.
And I leaned forward and kissed him.I missed the feel of his plump and soft lips. He grabbed my face and I took advantage of this sweet moment. Then I pulled away and looked at him.
"I love you to Sehun"
He smiled and stood up and I did as well then he picked me up and squeezed me in a tight bear hug.
"She loves me!" Sehun yelled which made me laugh.

Me and Sehun offically started dating. Two days after his confession. All the boys teased him at first. But supported our relationship.
But if you were to ask me a few months ago if I saw myself with Sehun. I would have told you never in a million years. But I honestly think that I changed him. Whoever said that playboys were heartless,haven't met the right one yet.

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