The Diary

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Mina's POV

"My diary!" I screamed as I looked around my room frantically to find it. But it was nowhere to be found. "Okay Mina retrace your steps. Where could it be?" I said before I sat on my bed and began to think.
"Okay so I was walking home.
Then I stopped for some bubble tea.
And then I went to Seh...... OH MY GOD NO!" I screamed. How could I have been so careless. He's probably reading it right now. I don't even have his number, so I have to wait until tomorrow to get it back.
"Aish! wae jeoleul!"(why me). I started to pace the floor in my room to trying to think of what I could have in diary that I didn't want him to see.
And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. When I was younger I had developed an eating disorder. And I yous to not be able to keep anything down. But as time went on, I overcame it and now I eat regularly. Maybe even a little more than regular. But as I was going through the disorder. I slep into depression and I wrote any and everything that was on my mind. And some of those things weren't to positive.
It would crush me if that secret ever got out. Its something I'm not proud of. I started to panic at the thought of it all. He seems like he wouldn't spread my business, considering how nice and polite he's been to me. But then again, I don't really know what he's like.
I looked over at the clock that was sitting on my nightstand to check the time. And it was eleven forty five.
I'm glad that it was time to sleep because otherwise. I would've ended up pulling me hair out. I then turned off my lamp and fell into a deep and uneasy sleep.

I was walking to school in a hurry. I wanted to be the first one in class,just in case Sehun happened to come early. I didn't want anybody knowing about my diary. Some people consider it childish to still have one. And that's why I would rather keep it to myself. It could end up in the wrong hands if I wasn't careful. Not that it already isn't in the wrong hands.
I sat in my seat and waited anxiously for Sehun to walk in. I was tapping my pencil constantly as I drifted off into a daze. A million thoughts we're clouding my mind when I felt someones hand grab my pencil and sit it down on the desk. I looked up to see Kai staring back at me.
"Are you okay,you seem a little worried" Kai asked me. "Oh yeah I'm fine Im just nervous about the test we have today ,that's all" I lied. I was going to pass my exam with flying colors. But I didn't want to tell him about the diary.
Its not that I don't trust Kai, because he seems like a very trustworthy and honest person. Its just from the fact that I was still extremely embarrassed about having one.
"Your going to do great, your the main one in class that pays attention during the lesson " he said in an uplifting tone. "The only reason why I do is because I don't know this stuff. You don't have to pay attention because your already advanced " I said before leaning back in my seat and pouting. Kai chuckled and then sat in Sehuns seat so he could be looking directly at me. "The only reason why I'm so 'advanced' " Kai said while doing finger quotes in the air. "Is because I study nonstop and sometimes even look over the stuff we're supposed to be learning next. So I'm always a step ahead of everyone" he said proudly. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Remind me to study with you before our next test" I said before laughing. Kai started laughing himself. "Okay here's my number so you can let me know" He said before reaching over and picking up my phone.

Sehun's POV

I walked through the halls trying to make it to class on time for once. And it seemed like today was going to be the day. But I also wanted to be on time just to see if Mina was going to ask for her book back.
I was thinking about lying to her and telling her that I didn't have it. But that would be wrong wouldnt it? So I decided to give that book back even if she didn't ask for it. Besides what do i gain by keeping a pink diary. Probably a lot of gay dudes attention, that's what. I'm to manly for a pink diary.
I turned the corner and walked into class when I saw Kai sitting in my chair. And he had Mina's pink phone in his hands and was typing something into it.
I'm guessing that her favorite color was pink. I mean sheesh she had a pink book bag and binder ,this girl was obsessed.
She was laughing and then Kai handed Mina her phone back and whispered something before getting up. Mina looked at him and started to laugh again.
I then felt this burning sensation down in my gut. And started to frown and suddenly had the urge to hurt Kai. But for what reason?This feeling was to foreign for me to reconigze so I just brushed it off.
I walked and sat down in my seat taking out my headphones before looking at Mina. She looked at me and then started to write something down on a sheet of paper. I looked her confused before turning around to talk to Kai.
A few minutes pass by and Mr. Bagwell walked into class. "Okay kids I'm going to sit you in assigned seats so we can start the exam."
He sat me and Kai far away from eachother. And still had Mina sit right beside me. I started to write my name on the exam when a sheet of paper was slid infront of me.
I looked at the paper and it read.
Sehun I know you have my book, so can you give it back please and thank you
I smiled at the note and decided to tease her a bit.

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