Eating Disorder?

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Sehun's POV

'Sehun I know you have my book,so can you give it back please and thank you'
I smiled at the note and decided to tease Mina a bit.
"What book, are you talking your diary? " I wrote back before sliding the paper on to her desk. I only got to question three before Mina gave the piece of paper back with her response on it.
"Yes! Just give it back. You didn't read it did you?"
"I may or may not have looked over your diary" I said giving her the paper back. She then dropped her head down on the desk loudly. Making everyone in class look back at her.
"Are you okay miss lee? " Mr. Bagswell asked looking up from his laptop. "Yes sir, was just a little tired" she said before everyone went back to what they we're doing.
I don't know what she's spazzing about. I didn't read her whole diary, I only read the first couple pages. And it was all about how she was excited about her nephew being born. Nothing major,and quiet boring if you ask me.
I was almost done with my exam before Mina slid the paper back onto my desk.
"Please don't tell anyone about my eating disorder okay. Promise that you'll keep it between me and you" I read the sentence over and over again just to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
I looked at Mina and she was trying to avoid eye contact. I stared at her a little longer before turning my attention back to the note.
Eating disorder? How could she have a eating disorder when she's so shapely. I mean her figure was amazing. She wasn't a stick, but she wasn't a hippo either. She fell in the middle, maybe even a little more to the skinner side. But still, I didn't know. I just decided to go along with it for now.
"I promise, your secret is safe with me"
I slipped the paper back to her before answering the last question on my exam. It was no need to look over my answers because I knew I passed. So I got up and walked to the front of the classroom. I handed Mr. Bagswell my paper and was about to walk back to my seat,when Mr. Bagwell said something.
"Finished already Sehun?" I turned and looked at him. "Yes".
"Don't let me find out you and miss Lee have the same score. Because then I know who cheated." Mr Bagswell said squinting at me. "How did I cheat when I finished first?" I asked him confused. "I know you have your way with the ladies Oh Sehun." He said. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my seat.
I then reached in my bag and pulled out Mina's diary and handed it back to her. I honestly felt bad for her in a way. She didn't even make eye contact with me when she took the book back.
She turned and put it in her bag when I grabbed to sheet of paper with our notes on it. I wrote something that I was curious about. As I was writing, Mina stood up and took her test to Mr Bagswell. She then came back and sat down and started to play with her fingers.
I finished what I wrote and gave the paper back to Mina. She looked at me and then the paper.
I wrote- "I thought you we're going to talk about the kiss you tried to give me yesterday " she scoffed and began to write her reply. She the passed the paper back, rather harshly this time. " Your the one who leaned in so I'm pretty sure it was the other way around."
Im not going to lie,I somewhat wanted Mina. She's quiet and you never hear of her in any off the gossip around campus. That means that she hasn't been with anybody yet. Her aura just screams virgin. And as these days go on, it gets harder to ignore. Literally!
I wrote back- "Well you didn't stop me either now did you?" I passed it back and got on my phone. But from the corner of my eye,I could see her blush. Before she could reply,the bell rung for the next class. I stood up while Mina packed her things. "Look who was saved by the bell" I said to Mina before grinning and walking away.
The rest of the day flew by to be honest and before I knew it. It was time to go home. I was walking to my car when I saw Mina talking to Kai outside the front door. I watched them talk until I felt Baekhyun into bump me. "Looks like the maknae got his eye on someone " Baekhyun said looking at me in a teasing manner. I glared at him and denied. "No I don't, I'm just waiting for Kai so we can go home" I lied before getting into the drivers seat. I heard Baekhyun laugh before he got into another car with Suho. I could still see them from my rear view mirror. And I watched them intently. I hope Kai doesn't try to make a move before me because I gotta be the first one to call dibs on that.
They hugged and separated as Kai started to walk to car. I pulled out my phone fast so he doesn't know that I was watching them. He got into the passengers side smiling. I looked at him in disgust." What are you smiling about?" I asked bitterly. Kai looked at me and said.
"You know Mina's pretty cool once you get to know her. I can tell we're going to be good friends." Kai said as i was backing out of the school parking lot. "You want to be friends with her" I asked trying to somewhat clarify what I was avoiding to ask. "Yea she's like a younger sister to me. I just feel the need to help her" Kai said genuinely. I was relieved that he looked at her in that way. But I couldn't let him see it. "Kai you want to help everybody. You even wanted to help out the garbage man last week" I said while rolling my eyes. "He looked like he needed a new outfit so I decided to help pay" Kai said innocently. "What do you expect him to wear? A tuxedo? " I said laughing as he frowned at me.

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