Exo House

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Sehun's POV

"Yay noona's coming over my house" Tao said as he hugged Mina in the backseat. I was driving while Mina,Tao and Suho was in the back. And Baekhyun was in the passengers seat.
"Tao -Can't -Breath" Mina said muffling into his chest. "Oh Mian" Tao said letting Mina out of his embrace. "Suho-ya, did you do the English homework" Baekhyun asked. Suho looked up at him and shook his head. "You told me you did it ,that's the only reason why I let you have the last steamed bun yesterday" Suho said in shock by Baekhyuns betrayal.
"I did ,but I lost it" Baekhyun said avoiding Suho's darting eyes. "I was attacked by Xiumin because of you" Suho said raising his voice an octave.
But before Baekhyun could respond, Mina spoke up. "Its okay I have the homework Baekhyun. So you don't have to worry Suho"
"Gomawoyo Mina" Baekhyun said turning around to smile at her. "Your welcome Baekhyun oppa" Mina said. She only calls Baekhyun oppa. That must mean something.
"Yeah thanks Mina" Suho added. Not long after that I arrived home. When I was unlocking the door, the other members were pulling up in the driveway.
I walked inside and made my way to the kitchen for a snack. I assumed that Mina was going to follow so I didn't bother to turn around to see where she was. When we all got into the kitchen, I saw Luhan,Kris and Lay looking at Mina in confusion.
I was about to introduce her to the rest of the members when Baekhyun beat me to it.
"For those who don't know. This is my best friend Mina. And Mina meet Luhan,Kris and Lay. Everyone else knows who you are" Baekhyun said looking at all of us.
"Cheoeum boepgesseumnida(it's nice to meet you)" Mina said shyly. "Woah your very pretty" Lay said looking at her with wide eyes. "Oh ah gamsahamnida (thank you)" Mina said blushing. I was just eating and watching the members talk to her silently. I thought people ignored the fact that they got their hair dyed on the same day, the same color. But Kai proved me wrong.
"Did you and Baekhyun plan on getting the same colored hair?" Kai asked which made all the members look at them with wondering eyes. Baekhyun and Mina looked at eachother before Baekhyun spoke up.
"No I didn't even know she was there" he said. "But didn't you guys go on the same day?" Kai asked. Baekhyun paused before he said" I saw Mina there after I finished getting my hair change,and it just so happened that she had the same color. But we didn't plan anything" He said looking at Mina.
Everyone said Oh in union while I thought of something that would get them caught in their lie.
"Mina how did you know about Minschi since you said that you met her for the first time a day ago. " I asked. Which brought the spotlight on them again."Well a friend of mine,recommend her to me" Mina said looking at me.
"Your Welcome " Baekhyun whispered which made everyone erupt into laughter. I was getting tired of trying. I just decided it would be best if we hurried up and started the poster so we could get it over with.
"We should get started on the project" I said to Mina before walking up to my room. I waited until she walked in after me before I shut the door.
Mina was just standing uncomfortablly in the middle of my room."Why are you like that?" I asked. "Like what?" She asked alerted. "Awkward " I said looking at her. She shrugged her shoulders giving me the 'I don't know ' face.
She looked so adorable without even trying to ...............Wait Sehun what are you saying. FOCUS!!

We decided that we would split the poster that i found in half. Half of it would be Mina's while the other half was mine. We were at least twenty minutes into the project and I glanced over at Mina. She was so involved in what she was doing that it only made her more attractive. Controlling myself was getting harder and harder to do. Especially since me and her are alone now.
Its the perfect time to bring up the kiss. "Yah,why are you staring at me?" Mina asked breaking me from my thoughts. It was time to ask. "Can I ask you something?" I asked putting down the marker that I was holding. "Sure " she said hesitantly.
"Why did you run away from me on Friday? " I asked getting straight to the point. Mina froze. She just stared at me and didnt say anything. Just like she did in the closet.
I just looked at her waiting for her to answer me. "I uh was late for something" Mina said. But I didnt believe her. "What were you late for?" I asked innocently. Mina became flustered. "Babysitting,yeah babysitting " she said unsure at first. I smirked at her nervous demeanor.
"Well look at the time, I have to go. We can finish in class another time"Mina said standing up.
I stood up and looked down at her. "You know for a second there, I thought it was because I made you nervous " I said taking two steps closer to her. She took one step back before she said "Aaa-ani" she stuttered. "Do I make you nervous?" I asked walking up to her,leaving no space between us. I could hear her breath hitch. She looked at me staring back at her.
Her scent put me into a trance. I was getting the same feeling that I had last time. And without warning I pushed my lips onto hers. She stood there for a second before she started to kiss me back. I then wrapped my arms around her waist to deepen the kiss. While she put her arms around my neck.
Kissing Mina gave me a feeling that I never felt before. I've kissed tons of girls in my lifetime and all of them we're the same. But this time,it felt surreal.
She broke away from the kiss and stared me in my eyes. "Why?" She asked. What does she mean why? I mean there's tons of questions that came to mind. That I thought she could be talking about. But one stuck out the most. And I had an answer for it.
"Because your different"

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