Janitors Closet

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Sehun's POV

I watched Mina walk away angry. It's not my fault that she never gets in trouble. I saw her sit next to Kai and in an instant her attitude did a full 360. And before I knew it they were laughing and smiling together. Ugkh makes me sick.
Then I started to feel that burning sensation in my gut again. What is wrong with me?
I shrugged it off once again and took a seat near the back of the class. And started talking to random girls. You know so I can brighten their day.

School ended really, really fast. And I was not proud of it. I know I had nothing else to do to occupy my time. But I still didn't want to be on time for detention either. So I took the long route to the classroom.
I was walking and texting when I saw someone walk past me. But I didn't pay attention of course. Until they grabbed my arm. I looked up only to meet eyes with Kimmy.
"Kimmy what are you doing, get off on me" I said coldly before getting out of her grip.
"Oh Sehun why are you like this? " she asked me sadly. But I had no sympathy.
"Because your brothers made me like this to you now goodbye" I said to her hoping she would be the first one to walk away. But yet I was wrong.
"You know if I were you, I would be nice to me" Kimmy said smirking while she touched my chest. But I took a step back from her.
"And why is that Kimmy? What are you going to get your brothers to jump me again? " I asked sarcastically.
"Not exactly." Kimmy said smirking. And it kind of alerted me.
"Then what?" I asked bluntly.
"Just hope you won't have to find out" Kimmy said before she walked away. And left me standing there confused written.
"What does that even mean?" I asked myself out loud. Before continuing my walk to detention.
I arrived to the class shortly after my.... odd conversation with Kimmy. Man what does she want from me. I already told her that I'm not interested, but yet she's not giving up. I guess the next step would be to get a restraining order.
"Oh Sehun your late as usual"Mr. Chan said. "I'm glad your starting to recognize " I said before smiling deviously and heading to my assigned seat. Yep, I have a seat with my name on it. Because I seem to be in here so frequently.
I sat down and saw Chen and Baekhyun talking to each other like they weren't even in detention. But hey what else is new.
Then I turned my attention to Chanyeol and he was passing notes back and forth between him and Mina. Hmmm. I wonder what they're talking about.
Sehun you need to get your own business! I said scolding myself before pulling out my phone. I started scrolling through to decide on who to text.
Nora? Naw she'll just start telling me about her feelings.
Britney the foreigner? Nope, she has a crazy ex boyfriend. And I heard he's just been released from prison.
Then I scrolled to the twins. I decided to give them a text.
They were mad at me for a while because I kicked them out of my house a couple days ago. But we quickly made up.
Pshhh! Like they could stay away from me anyway. I mean look at me.

I was about to put my headphones in before Mr. Chan stopped me.
"Oh Sehun don't put the buds in yet. I have an assignment for you to do" he said sternly.
Buds? What the heck are buds.
I sighed loudly before reluctantly giving him my attention.
"Now since you guys seem to be having so much fun. I have duties for you guys to accomplish be-" Mr Chan said before he stopped at the sound of laughter coming from the three children in the class.
"He said duty!" Chen said before laughing again. I rolled my eyes.
"As I was saying." Mr Chan said glaring at them. "I have assigned each of you work to do before you go home so I'm going to pair you guys up into teams of two" he said before pulling out a list.
"Baekhyun go with Sarah to the library,Chen with Chanyeol to the gym, David with Bora to the cafeteria and Sehun with Mina to the janitors closet."
I looked at Mina as she looked back at me. And we made direct eye contact. I then stood up and walked over to her.
And she stood up awkwardly. I smirked and started to walk out of the classroom.
I made it to the janitor's closet and opened the door. And the smell in that room was unforgiving. I covered my nose as I stepped into the room. It was dirtier than usual.
Don't ask me how I would know.
I turned around and saw Mina looking just as disgusted as I was.
"What curled up and died in here?" She said covering her nose.
"I don't know but i have a feeling that we're about to find out" I said before picking up what looks like an old shirt
Time passed and due to Mina's good cleaning abilities. The janitor's closet no longer smelled like gym socks. Although Mina spazzed when she saw condoms on the floor.
She's a lot more innocent than I thought
Now all we had to do was straighten everything on the shelf back into place.
And for some odd reason, Mina seemed nervous. I grew curious the longer we stood there in silence.
"Why are you so quiet all of the sudden?" I asked.
"Nno reasson" Mina stuttered before turning her back to me. And then a light bulb went off in my head. She might be talking about 'the secret'
I then put down my object's and turned Mina around to face me.
"I hope your not worried about the secret we talked about. Because I haven't told anyone " I said trying to catch her eye contract. But she was looking all over the place.
What wrong with her?

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