🦇🖤Chapter Six-Sweet Revenge🖤🦇

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It was a tedious rest of the day, and I kept losing track of time. So, yeah, a pretty crappy first day. Audrey and Dillon met me at the gate. 'Where the Hell were you at lunch?'
'The f-'
'Dillon...' Warned Audrey. She turned to me. 'How did you end up there?' She asked
'I KO'd some pompous brat called Zoe Spale.'
'Oh my God, her!' Dillon exclaimed. 'I hate her. She smells like waiting rooms. She thinks she's the center of the school just because of her dumb magazine. So, how're you gonna get back at her?' he said daringly, narrowing her eyes and nudging me. 'Maybe...a little detour to our secret spot to make our potion.' I said. Audrey made excited owl noises and flapped her hands. 'I love our secret spot, let's go!' Once we got there, we found our secret spot, which was an overgrown bush surrounding a picnic table, where we met countless times over the years. I opened my bag, and got my potion manual and the ingredients. 'You seriously carry your potion stuff around with you?' Dillon asked as I was taking the bubble wrap off a small bottle of dark blue liquid. 'Course I do, I never leave home without it!' I said, laughing. 'There, now I have the stuff.'
'What kinda potion are you making?' Audrey asked, peering into the small metal mixing dish as I poured in some purple flakes. 'A truth potion.' Dillon burst out laughing. 'Classic!' She proclaimed, helping me stir the flakes. After a while the potion was done and we could relax. Well, we were going to relax, until my sister came. 'So, this is where the nerds hang out! Good to know!' She said in her loud obnoxious voice. I sighed, rolling my eyes, and Audrey groaned. 'Go away, spoilt freak. What do you even want?' Dillon stated smoothly, making Stacey gasp. 'I am not a freak! I am the most beautiful person to exist.' She remarked,
emphasizing every time she said 'I'. 'Wow, a spoilt freak and a delusional freak. Have you ever heard of these things called mirrors? Try them, you're reality will shatter. Just like the mirror.' Audrey immediately perished from laughing, and even I couldn't suppress a few giggles. Stacey growled and stomped away, leaving us in stitches. 'Anyways.' I said, wiping away some tears. 'Anyways, I gotta get home. See you!'
'Bye Vin!'
'What she said!'
'Bye guys!' I said, running off home.
412 Words

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