🦇🖤Chapter Eight-My New Girlfriend🖤🦇

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I woke up the next day and did the same boring routine that I've already bored you with and so that Lin can make the story go faster. I remembered that I promised to check out Annalise's TikTok. She was really good. Her Blitzo cosplay was amazing and her moves were so fluent. I scrolled and saw a video titled 'Coming Out And You Can't Stop Me' Which was a video of her coming out as a fairy. 'Hey Beanies! Today I'm coming out as a fairy. This is not fake news, and I will delete rude comments. OK, bye!' It was a short video, but I was still surprised. How could she have the bravery to come out as a Supernatural? Did she not know about the Wolf Girl? I looked at the comment section. Every comment was deleted. Damn. Suddenly, there was a ring at the door. I opened it and saw Dillon, her bag over her shoulder. Today, she was wearing a black hoodie and grey leggings, her blonde hair in a high ponytail. 'Hey Vin, ready to go? I smiled
'Yeah! Let's go!' I closed the door behind me and walked alongside her. Then I saw a sight that made my heart stop. Vanya Holden just ahead of us, with her brother! Without a word, I took Dillon's hand and dragged her ahead. 'Vin? Where are we going?' She asked, loudly enough to make Vanya and Victor turn around. 'Hi guys.' I said as nonchalantly as I could. Vanya smiled, though something about her smile was...off, like she had a secret. Her brother. 'Hey Vin.' Said Victor. 'Sorry about Vanya, she just has this huge crush on you.'
'Vic! What the Hell?' Vanya yelled. He laughed teasingly, quickly dragging Dillon along. 'I swear, if one more person drags me-' We heard her grumble, but she was cut off when she was out of earshot. Vanya sighed sympathetically, and held my hand as we walked down the street. 'Yeah.' She said after an uncomfortable silence. 'But what I wanna know is if you like me back.' I hesitated, and then nodded. 'Yeah. Yeah I do. A lot, actually.' I replied with a nervous chuckle. She suddenly stopped and hugged me hard. 'Vin, this is great! Let's go tell the over two!' We started to run, but then stopped dead. Dillon head was tilted up and Victor's head was bent. They both hand their hands in eachother's hair and several strangers were staring.
They were kissing.
Little did I know that this was only the beginning of the most thrilling day of my life.
434 Words

🦇🖤Teen Freaks🖤🦇Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora