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Good morning to all my lovely readers,

I know this is going to come as a shock but I have decided to take down this book for 2 months or so.

I know I had promised of slow updates but I feel like I am not getting time for this.

Moreover I have a competitive exam line up so I am busy and I am not sure about the updating schedule.

And I feel bad when I can't update for my dear readers every week at least. So I have decided to take down the book and the book will resume back in the month of May or June.

The actual plan was to complete the book this month and update the second part of this book in the month of May or June. But I don't see that happening so I have decided to take down the book.

Don't worry the second part of the book will be given continuously. The nook will have more romance, fights, consideration and a lot of twist.

I promise to come back with a bang,

Your author

The book will be taken down today at 11 pm

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