Chapter 22

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Life was... strange. Or bizarre. Or a downright farce. Emma couldn't quite decide which word fit best as she strolled through the streets of Storybrooke, a coffee to go in her hands. The day was chilly but sunny, her head aching—not from her injury, but from sheer confusion. Regina and the Evil Queen were two separate entities, yet also intertwined—she got that. But somehow, they shared emotions?

"Look, Ma, it's simple," her son said as he walked alongside her. "Okay, maybe not exactly simple, but... manageable."

Emma snorted softly, a wry smile tugging at her lips. "Thank God you're not in charge of hope speeches, kid."

"You're just grumpy."

The blonde sighed. "Well, can you blame me?" she countered. "I got thrown out of a window and am now in the middle of... I don't even know what to call it, Henry."

"Who do you love more?"

Emma's steps faltered, her grip tightening on the coffee cup. "Whoa, kid, calm down," she choked out. "Love is a very big word, okay?"

"But you'd die for Mom, right?" the teenager persisted, his gaze unwavering.

His mother's response came swift and sure. "Yeah, of course. I'd do anything to keep her safe. But I also wouldn't sacrifice Grumpy."

"But you don't wanna kiss Grumpy," he teased lightly, before his expression turned earnest. "Right?"

Emma just grimaced at the thought and took another large sip of her coffee. She hated this situation and at the same time didn't even really know what exactly the situation was. There was something between the Evil Queen and her, obviously, and there definitely was something between her and Regina. But they were both the same person but also they were not and—

"Ma!" Henry's urgent cry shattered her reverie, and Emma startled as a plume of purple smoke materialized before her. Her heart thundered in her chest, and she swore she heard the screech of tires.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Regina's voice sliced through the air, sharp with concern. It was her Regina, not the Evil Queen. "You're out with our son, and you just cross the street without even looking if a car is coming?!"

The blonde stammered, her eyes wide with shock as she processed the situation. She stood in the midst of the road, Regina before her, but—

"Where were you with your thoughts?" The voice was Regina's, but not quite. Emma blinked, turning to behold the Evil Queen standing beside her. Had both of them poofed themselves here simultaneously?

"Ma, are you okay?" Henry's voice broke through her bewilderment. "I tried to warn you, but you were totally in another dimension with your head."

Regina scoffed, her irritation palpable. "Well, that's nothing new."

"Don't talk to her like that!" Her evil counterpart's retort was laced with venom, her dark eyes flashing.

"Sorry," Emma whispered suddenly, realizing her coffee-to-go was now on the ground. "What are you two doing here?"

"Saving your life," Regina mumbled in irritation, always annoyed with Emma when she almost got herself killed.

"Were you two together?"

"No," the Evil Queen answered. "I guess we both felt—"

"Your incompetence to cross the street," Regina finished, crossing her arms.

"Mom," Henry smirked. "Calm down, okay? She is fine, you guys saved her."

The brunette sighed, but the words of her son seemed to get to her, so she nodded. "Fine, you're right." Her eyes turned softer again as she watched Emma with worry. "Are you okay?"

When Emma falls in loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang