Chapter 5

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A few days had passed—three to be exact—since Emma's near accident, and the Evil Queen had not shown up again. If she and Regina hadn't gone through everything that had happened before, they might have believed it to be safe now. However, their shared history made them know better. Despite this, Emma was resolute about not letting the lingering threat of the Evil Queen disrupt her life. She no longer wanted to confine herself to the mayor's mansion and sought a return to a sense of normalcy. That's why she agreed so easily when Hook asked her out for a fun night at the bar.

"Another drink, Swan? Or would you rather dance again?" Killian asked, his arms tight around his girlfriend's waist. He placed a few kisses on the tip of her nose, causing Emma to chuckle.

"You're drunk, you know that?"

"Me? Never," he grinned, placing his lips on Emma's. They lost themselves in a slow but passionate kiss, the blonde almost tasting the alcohol lingering in his breath.

"I have to send Regina a quick message," Emma mumbled but couldn't quite bring herself to separate from Killian. She enjoyed the feeling of his strong arms around her and the stubble of his beard gently scratching her soft skin. "I promised to let her know I'm okay every hour."

"Is she your mother, love?" Hook sounded almost amused, unable to hold back a laugh as he saw the disgusted facial expression of his girlfriend.

"I mean, not that Regina isn't a great mother—she's amazing! Sometimes I wish I would've grown up with a mother like her, and then I remember that it's really weird to be jealous of my own son."

Killian laughed, nodding in agreement, before taking his girlfriend's hand and swirling her around in an attempt to get her to dance with him. Emma let him, lost in her own thoughts. Of course, the fact that it would be weird to be jealous of Henry was one thing, but there was another thing even weirder—she should not be attracted to her own mother. Images of Regina in her pantsuit and heels flashed before her eyes, making her release a soft gasp when her thoughts wouldn't stop.

"Isn't that interesting, Swan?" Hook's warm breath tickled her ear as he whispered, misunderstanding her reaction as arousal caused by him. His hand explored the soft fabric of her black dress, simple yet alluring and clung to her figure as if custom-made. The V-neckline added a touch of elegance, revealing just enough to capture Hook's attention, prompting him to lean down and place a tender kiss on the gentle swell of her breasts.

"Killian, not here," Emma quickly interjected, her eyes scanning the bar discreetly. Fortunately, no prying eyes seemed to have noticed their intimate moment. Despite the dim lighting and the buzz of the crowded bar, she gently cupped her boyfriend's face, pulling him back up with a subtle yet firm touch.

"Then where?" he inquired.

The blonde smiled, closing the gap between them and softly placing a kiss on his lips. "Definitely not the mansion. Regina is gonna kill me... and then you. And then me, again," she mumbled. "I'll go to the bathroom real quick, and then we can leave, okay? My house?"

"You mean our house, since that's where I currently live while you're stuck at Regina's."

Emma paused, not entirely pleased with his use of the word 'stuck,' but she didn't feel like arguing now. Instead, she simply nodded before heading to the bathroom.

Standing before the sink, the blonde scrutinized her reflection in the mirror, bathed in the soft ambient glow of the dimly lit room. Her fingers traced the gentle curls of her hair as she took a moment to study herself. With a twist of the faucet, she cupped her hands under the cool water, splashing it onto her face. The refreshing sensation jolted her senses, and she blinked a few times, regaining focus. A lingering question surfaced in her mind—why did the mere thought of Regina ignite a spark stronger than her boyfriend's kisses?

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