Chapter 6

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"The Evil Queen covered your bedroom in- in roses?" Henry repeated in disbelief after his moms shared the recent incident with him. It was the middle of the night, and Emma and Regina had forgotten that a panicked discussion of the recent events in the hallway, near their son's room, wasn't a good idea. "So, she's the one who broke into the flower shop a couple of days ago, right?"

"Yeah, we think so," the Mayor affirmed, running a hand through her dark hair with a sigh of desperation.

"Isn't it weird that she always appears when Mom is in danger?"

Emma shrugged, "Well, when she kidnapped me, I wasn't in danger."

"Maybe you made an impression," Regina muttered, her tone devoid of amusement.

A heavy silence settled between the three, each lost in their own thoughts. Standing in the dimly lit hallway, the weight of questions hung in the air, creating an atmosphere that was both tense and uncomfortable.

"We're all thinking it... right?" Henry eventually broke the silence, his eyes shifting between his two moms. The Mayor sighed, acknowledging the unspoken understanding, leaving Emma feeling bewildered.

"What are we thinking?" the blonde asked, but the silence lingered, offering no answers. "Hey," she insisted, "it's not fair that you're excluding me."

"The Evil Queen is in love with you," her son bluntly declared.

"What?!" Emma exclaimed, her voice rising with disbelief. "Are you out of your mind, Henry?! Regina?!" She turned to the Mayor, searching for support. "Tell our son that this is absurd!"

Regina responded calmly, "Well, maybe 'in love' isn't the right description, but she certainly could be...fond of you. It would make sense, actually."

Emma shook her head, her gaze alternating between Regina and her son, trying to comprehend the unexpected turn of events. "That- That can't be," she breathed. "The Evil Queen cannot be in love with me, I mean- Regina, say something!"

Regina exhaled sharply, frustration evident in her eyes. "What do you want me to say, Emma? I am not her anymore. I don't know if she's in love with you or not, but based on everything that's happening, it seems like it."

"Maybe she has a plan. An evil plan," the blonde tried to make sense of everything. The uncertainty in her voice mirrored the turmoil in her mind.


"I've figured it out!" Emma announced for the sixth time after going to bed.

Regina sighed, not bothering to open her eyes again. "Enlighten me."

"She's pretending to be in love with me, planning a dinner date where she'll poison my food."

"Emma, out of all the wild theories, this one ranks as the most mundane," the Mayor replied, meaning every word.

"Well, sorry for not making it entertaining enough for you. It's a serious matter, you know. I could end up dead."

Now, the brunette couldn't help but smile at Emma's dramatic pouting. "Fine," she conceded, "let's entertain that idea. Would you agree to go on a date with her?"

Emma met the intense gaze of the other woman, and replied, "What do you think?"

Regina smirked, "I prefer reality over fantasy, dear."

The blonde sighed, rolling her eyes at the Mayor's sarcasm. "Alright, fine. I get it. My theories are getting ridiculous."

"Mh," the brunette hummed, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Just a bit."

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