Chapter 10

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"Get away from her!"

Both women turned their heads toward the front door, where Hook emerged, his expression a mix of concern and protective instinct.

"Killian, she's not—we're just... talking," Emma responded, realizing mid-sentence how awkward that must sound. She could see the confusion in her boyfriend's eyes and quickly approached him—she didn't want to risk him starting a fight, especially not with the Evil Queen.

"You're talking?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes, go back inside, okay?"


"Please," the blonde insisted, resting her right hand on his cheek, her fingers gently caressing the stubble. "I'll be right back; you don't have to worry."

Hook couldn't hold back a scoffed tone in his voice, "Does Regina know you're now friends with her evil half?"

"We're not friends, okay?"

"Well, apparently because she just left."

Quickly, Emma turned around, catching a glimpse of what was left of the purple smoke dissipating into the night. She sighed, pushing away the feeling of disappointment. Why was she disappointed? Not having the Evil Queen in her front yard was a good thing, wasn't it?

Hook's gaze remained fixed on Emma, a mixture of concern and skepticism etched on his face. "What's going on, Emma?"

"Nothing, I— I don't know, let's get back inside, okay? It's cold, and I'm tired and— No," she interrupted herself, her voice carrying a hint of hesitation, "Actually, I need to take a walk."

Killian furrowed his brow, concern etching his features. "What?" he thought he heard wrong, but quickly softened his voice. "Want me to come with you?"

"That's sweet, but I just need to clear out my head and— and breathe. It's been quite the days..."

The man nodded understandingly, sensing the weight of her emotions. He put both his arms around his girlfriend's waist, drawing her into a comforting embrace before placing a small, reassuring kiss on her lips. "Call me with that thing if you need me, okay?"

Emma managed a small smile. "My phone," she grinned, nodding, "I will. Thank you."

The couple shared another tender kiss before Hook reluctantly went back inside, his gaze lingering on Emma as she stepped away. She slightly pulled the sleeves of her black turtleneck sweater over the palms of her hands, seeking warmth in the chilly night air. With a deep breath, she left her front yard, the quiet streets enveloping her.

The blonde walked down the dimly lit streets, guided by the soft glow of streetlights. The town was quiet at night, with a gentle hum in the air. Her thoughts were a mix of confusion and reflection, trying to make sense of recent events, especially the unexpected encounter with the Evil Queen. The cool night air wrapped around her, and the sound of her boots on the pavement kept a steady beat as she strolled through the town. Leaves rustled in the occasional breeze, adding a soothing touch to the quiet atmosphere.

"Re- Your maje-," Emma stopped, contemplating how she should address the Evil Queen. After all, she was Regina, but then again, not quite. She sighed, coming to a halt in her tracks. For some reason, she knew the Evil Queen would appear if she called her. "Your majesty?"

Not even five seconds later, purple smoke appeared.

"You called me?"

"You listened?"

The brunette smirked in amusement before scanning the empty streets. No one seemed to be around. "What are you doing here alone?"

"Just needed to clear my head, and I wanted to check up on you," Emma replied, unaware of the impact those words had on the woman before her.

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