Chapter 20

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"Emma! Emma!"

The Evil Queen looked up, discovering Regina, as well as David and Henry, running towards them. With Emma still in her arms, she didn't bother, instead looking back down, pulling the blonde closer, and running one of her hands through her long, wavy hair. She felt Emma's unconscious form against her chest, the rise and fall of her breathing a fragile reassurance amidst the chaos.

"Ma!" Now, it was Henry's turn to yell before the group got so close that David tried to pull his daughter towards him.

"No!" the Evil Queen hissed.

"Let her go!" Regina now chimed in. "Get away from her!"

"I didn't do anything," the other woman yelled, her eyes filled with angry tears. "Zelena is inside the house; she did that!"

When David heard that, he immediately took his gun out of his holster and stormed inside.

"Mom, you should go with him," Henry said. "She has magic."

Regina looked down at Emma as she now sat on the floor too. "No," she whispered, taking the blonde's hand into her own. She didn't care right now that her evil counterpart was still holding her because her worry was too much — and so overwhelming that tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"Can you heal her?" the Evil Queen choked out.

"I don't even know what happened. What did Zelena do?"

"She just threw her out of the window, but I think she hit her head and went unconscious."

The mayor nodded before gently stroking Emma's cheek, totally ignoring that Henry stood behind her, curiously admiring how both parts of his Mom were worried about his other Mom. He was scared and worried about her, of course, but also knew that with both of them together, Emma would be absolutely fine. This little fact made him smile before he watched Regina's hands hovering over the blonde's body, light magic coming through her palms.

"Is it working?" the Evil Queen asked impatiently.

"I hope so," the other brunette whispered, closing her eyes to intensify her magic. "My sister is strong, but not stronger than I am. At least, I hope so..."

"No, Mom, you have to believe in yourself!" Henry chimed in. "Zelena's hate towards Ma isn't nearly as strong as you wanting her to be okay again. Your power is stronger, Mom, because you care more."

With this new revelation, Regina suddenly felt like it was possible. Her son was right, and it showed through her magic. The light coming from her hands intensified, suddenly erupting in a wave that made all three of them falter for a second.

Until a little gasp was heard.

"Ma!" Henry was the first one, kneeling besides his mother.

"What- Hey, kid," the blonde murmured hoarsely. "What ha-" she stopped when she realized in whose arms she was lying. Her eyes shifted from the Evil Queen's to Regina's and back and forth. The fact that these eyes looked the same made her feel dizzy, but also a little smile appeared on her lips. "You're both very confusing," she whispered.

"And you're an idiot," the mayor whispered back, though a beaming smile graced her lips. For a moment, she thought about leaning down and giving her a kiss on the forehead but decided against it.

"I'm so sorry," the Evil Queen started, making the blonde fully realize what had happened.

She sat up, still a bit shaky but looked deep and worryingly into the dark eyes looking remorseful into hers. "You don't have to apologize. Zelena threw me out the window, not you."

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