Chapter 17

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Emma stood in front of her full-length mirror, turning around to examine her outfit choice just as Henry came through the front door.

"Ma?" he called out as he walked through the hallway.

"Living room!" the blonde replied, her eyes on her son through the mirror as she smiled at him. "What's up, kid?"

"Uhm, I should ask you that," the boy said with wide eyes. "Do you have some kind of important appointment?"

"No, why?" Emma asked.

Henry chuckled, "Really, Ma? Look at you! But you look awesome, by the way."

"Thanks, kid," Emma smiled, before shifting her gaze back to herself. She wore tight black cotton blend pants that hugged her curves in all the right places, paired with a simple white, cropped tank top. Her long blonde hair fell in soft waves over her shoulders, and a subtle gold necklace adorned her neck — a minimalistic touch that complemented the clean lines of her outfit.

"So, are you finally going to spill the beans on what you're up to?" Henry questioned, his curiosity evident in his expression.

"I don't think I look that different from my usual self, kid," Emma replied with a half-smile.

"True, but there's still something different," the teenager observed keenly. "Come on, spill it. What's going on?"

"I, uhm... I'm having dinner with someone."

"Killian?" He guessed.

The blonde shook her head, prompting her son to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"With my Mom?" Henry questioned, trying to piece together the puzzle.

"Not... exactly," Emma hesitated, choosing her words carefully.

Suddenly, the boy's eyes widened, and he positioned himself in between his mother and the mirror, looking up at her with a mix of shock and intrigue. "You're having dinner with the Evil Queen?!"

"Yes," she admitted hesitantly, before clearing her throat and attempting to appear nonchalant.

"Why? What- How did that happen? I mean- Well, Mom told me that you're building some kind of friendship with her, but she said it's all part of her evil plan!"

"Really?" Emma furrowed her eyebrows. "Tell your mother not to use our son as her sounding board."

"She wasn't. But it's true, then?" the teenager pressed for confirmation.

"Yeah, but she doesn't have an evil plan, okay? We kind of got to know each other and spent some time together — it's nice," the blonde explained.

Henry crossed his arms skeptically, simply staring at his mom in front of him.

"What's on your mind, kid?" she sighed, rolling her eyes.

"The Evil Queen is in love with you, you know that, right? Remember the dozens of roses?"

"We talked about that, and there are no feelings from her side."

"And yours?" Henry probed further.

"Oh my god, kid," Emma groaned before stepping away from the mirror and walking out of the living room. Her son immediately followed her, watching her slip into a pair of chic black ankle boots, his curiosity still lingering in the air.

"Tell me! Where are you guys even going for dinner? And does Mom know? Someone needs to know where you're going."

"You're worrying too much, Henry."

"Well, can you blame me?!"

Emma smiled, walking over to her son and giving him a soft kiss on his forehead. "I'll be okay, I promise. She's not gonna hurt me."

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