Chapter 9

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"And your mom really knew about that school trip?" Emma questioned, momentarily shifting her focus from the road to glance at her son in the passenger seat. "Because it's not like her to forget something like that."

"You said she could be in a meeting," Henry shrugged.

"She always puts you first, kid. No meeting has ever stopped her from picking you up."

"Do you— Do you think something happened to her?" he asked, concern etched across his face, his eyes wide.

"No, that's not what I was implying. Let's not jump to conclusions, okay?" Emma attempted to reassure her son as she parked the car in front of Regina's house. "Do you mind waiting in the car for a few minutes?"


"I wanna talk to your mom alone first. And—if something could be wrong, then at least you're safe here in the car."

"No, I—"

"Henry," Emma interrupted firmly, "You're waiting here."

An annoyed sigh escaped Henry's lips, but he complied, staying put in the car as Emma unbuckled herself and stepped out onto the quiet street.

Because she was polite—and totally afraid to walk in on something between Regina and the guy she talked to on the phone—Emma knocked on the front door. After waiting a few seconds with no response, she also rang the doorbell.

"Regina?" she called, but received no answer. Eventually, Emma decided to take matters into her own hands. She grabbed the keys from her pocket and cautiously opened the door. Moving quietly through the house, she called out, "Regina, are you here?"

Emma began to worry, her heart racing. She took her phone out of her jeans and tried to reach Regina. The moment she heard the phone ringing, she immediately feared the worst.

"Mom?" Henry's voice echoed through the house.

"Henry!" Emma hissed. "I told you to wait in the car, I—"

"Her phone is ringing upstairs!" Henry interrupted and raced into the hallway and up the stairs.

"Henry!" Emma followed and managed to grab him before he could open the bedroom door. "Let me go in first," she said, putting on her most serious face. "You wait here. This time for real, do you understand me?"

"Yes, if you go in now. Please."

The blonde nodded, caressed Henry's cheek for a moment before walking into the bedroom. Regina's phone lay on one of the bedside tables, and she picked it up. Emma's hope of finding any clues quickly faded, as the only visible notification on the display was her missed call.


The blonde almost jumped in fright before turning around to where the voice came from.

"What are you doing with my phone?" Regina inquired, her tone a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

"Where the hell have you been?!" the other woman fired back, her concern overtaking any consideration for the Mayor's question. "Do you know how worried I was? I thought something happened to you! Why didn't you answer your phone, and why—" She abruptly stopped, suddenly realizing the brunette had a white towel wrapped around her body.

"I was in need of a shower, and I kinda got lost in my thoughts and forgot the time," she explained, still oblivious to the brewing storm in Emma's eyes. "Why are you so upset anyway?"

"You forgot to pick Henry up, and you never forget things like that."

A sudden realization washed over Regina, and her face went blank. "Oh my god," she whispered, "the school trip."

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