Nightmare - CARLANDO

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Couple: Carlos & Lando

Year: 2021

Basic situation: Lando has a nightmare after Belgian qualifying session

Teaser: *"I think you still have no idea how important you are to me."he leaned his forehead against mine."I love you, Lando. I was so terrified when you didn't respond to anyone for a while. It was a complete nightmare, I thought you might have died and left me. Forever."he muttered.*



I could have done worse in the Belgian qualifying. I can drive tomorrow. I think I would have had a chance for the pole position, but that's how it happened. I can't change that. However, I would change the fact that Carlos Sainz - who has been my boyfriend for half a year - treats me as if I were porcelain. I'm fine, it's just my arm hurt a little. It's good that he's worried about me like this, but he's already exaggerating. Because he wants to feed me.

"I can eat alone. I have two hands."I rolled my eyes.

"I just don't want you to exert yourself too much and I don't like the fact that you already want to compete tomorrow."said the Spaniard.

"I'm not paralyzed. I'm fine, Carlos. Believe me!"with a big sigh, he handed me the plate and the fork, then pressed a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay. I was just really scared Landito. They showed me your accident and it was terrible to see, you know?"he buried his head in my neck."I don't want you to get in the car tomorrow."

"Good thing I won't listen to you. I want to compete. I have permission to do so, so you can't hold me back."he looked up at me. I saw something on Carlos' face that I had never seen before. Tears."Hey! My love! What's wrong?"

"What's wrong, Lando?! The fact that, according to the doctors, it's a miracle that you got away with it all! But what if it wasn't like that?! If there was no life in your body anymore?!"Carlos' tears flowed. He is typically the man who almost never cries and now that I see him like this...
My heart breaks for him. Tears started to flow from my eyes as well. I lost my appetite. I put the plate away on the bedside table.

"But I'm here."I almost whispered the words.

"I think you still have no idea how important you are to me."he leaned his forehead against mine."I love you, Lando. I was so terrified when you didn't respond to anyone for a while. It was a complete nightmare, I thought you might have died and left me. Forever."he muttered.

"But I'm alive and everything is fine."I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

" don't know what I went through. All I could think of was, what if you died?"he raised my hand to his face, then pressed a kiss to my fingers. I hugged him tightly to make him feel like I'm here. He pulled me closer and buried his head in my neck."I love you!"

"I love you too!"I whispered in his ear.

"Don't you dare tell anyone that I cried!" he pulled away and then wiped his eyes.

"I won't. Don't worry! This remains between the two of us."I smiled at him. He took my face and kissed me softly. As always, I almost melt between his two strong arms. As soon as we broke apart, I greedily pressed my lips to his and crawled into his lap, I would have put my hands under his T-shirt if he hadn't held my hands.

"I can't. I'm sorry."he looked into my eyes.

"Why? Don't you want me?"

"That's stupid! I want you anytime."he caressed my face.

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