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Couple: Carlos & Lando

Year: 2024

Basic situation: Lewis Hamilton transferred to Ferrari.

Teaser: *He didn't want to admit it, but he wished that the McLaren driver was here with him and they would do something, anything that would distract him, and in the meantime he might be able to accept the story and move on.*


Carlos Sainz waited and just waited. He was waiting for the Ferrari team boss to call him for another contract negotiation. They haven't fully agreed yet, but he felt he'd have another Ferrari contract. Fréderic should have been looking for him for two weeks, but he didn't call him, he didn't even get a message from him. He also temporarily blocked everyone's number on his phone, so that when they would call him, he could be sure that he was wanted in the matter of his new contract. He has also been to Maranello a couple of times since then, but he did not bring up the topic of the contract, nor did his boss. He thought he would wait until he brought up the topic.


The day that his fate has sealed.


Lewis Hamilton leaves Mercedes at the end of 2024 season and continues at Ferrari from 2025.

He frowned. He didn't understand it all. How? After all, his contract was already half finished, and Charles' extension was already done along with the announcement. He continued to read, then his eyes stopped at the following:


Carlos Sainz is leaving Ferrari after the 2024 season.

The world began to spin with him. He unlocked the number of his cousin, who was also his manager, and then dialed it. He didn't understand why he wasn't informed about this.

"Carlos, why the hell did you ban my phone number?! In fact! Everyone's?" Caco said into the phone without saying hello, irritated.

"What happened? What is all this?"

"You would have known sooner if you didn't ban everyone. I didn't let Ferrari tell you the news because I wanted to. But you banned everyone from everywhere." actually, he didn't block someone on Messenger. And that was Lando. His phone was also ringing properly.

"So it's true. I got fired."he said disappointedly. It was his dream to compete with Ferrari and this dream will end at the end of 2024 season. Is there even a team that would like to welcome him to their team?

"I wouldn't call it a fire. Your contract expires at the end of the year. That's it. We are looking for another team, don't worry! We can target Mercedes."

"I don't think Toto Wolff wants me to join his team that much."he sighed."And I still experience it as a dismissal, Caco. That damned contract was almost ready, it was just waiting to be signed."

"I know."

"Then they just wanted to sign a one-year contract with me. All they wanted Lewis. At least they would have given me that reason."

"You don't have to worry that you won't have a place. You have already proven enough and you will prove this again this year."

"I think I'll put it down. I'm trying to get over it."

"Okay. But before that, post something on your social media, okay? Prove to your fans that you are fine."they didn't say goodbye to each other, they just put it down. Carlos did what Caco asked for, then fell on the bed. He opened his messages. As he guessed, Lando was the one who started bombarding him with messages.

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