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Couple: Logan & Oscar

Year: 2023

Basic situation: After the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, in Logan's hotel room

Teaser: *"I believe in you. I know you. I know how talented you are. We actually grew up together. I know you are very good, only you are the competitor who needs more time. And a thousand percent that James will give you the chance to continue to develop."*


I'm scared. I'm so scared. I don't want to lose my F1 seat, but at the moment my motorsport future is as uncertain as I am uncertain about whether I have a place here at all.

I made a lot of mistakes, especially compared to Oscar, who is also a rookie, and by the way, my boyfriend and I'm incredibly proud of him. His place is secured at McLaren until 2026, so he has no reason to worry. He deserves the contract. In the end, he won the race sooner than his more experienced teammate Lando Norris, even if it's just a sprint race. Not that I'm not sure that the Briton's time will come. We just have to look back at Mexico. He achieved a twelve-position catch-up on a course where it is very difficult to overtake on paper. I know Oscar learned a lot from Lando. He said it himself.

Not that Alex doesn't care about me. He has no dislike for me and helps me where he can. He's a very good teammate. I have a lot to thank him for. It's a shame that the performance didn't show how grateful I'm to Williams for giving me a chance to live my dreams. I have already secretly written my farewell to the team. I won't blame them, scold them if they fire me because of my performance. Why to deny: I was a big piece of shit throughout the season. The miracle is that I didn't suffer the fate of the Dutch Nyck De Vries, who was fired after 10 races and replaced by the older Aussie of the grid, Daniel Ricciardo.

I suddenly feel that there is something warm on my face and as soon as I get there, I realize that they are tears. Tears of uncertainty. While others are celebrating the end of the season, I'm sitting here on the bed of my hotel room. I lay down on it and stared at the chandelier, which is too kitschy for my taste. I prefer simpler, clean pieces. Like, say, Oscar street wear. Like a sweet high school student, he sometimes came to the field if he didn't appear on the spot in McLaren branded clothes. I need him, but I won't bother him about my stupid thoughts. I'm not going to force him to deal with me instead of enjoying the party where Max Verstappen, the three-time world champion, invited him. He invited me too, of course, like all the drivers, but I didn't want to go, I saw on my boyfriend that he would like to, so of course I didn't hold him back. I wasn't afraid because he wasn't the type to drink. He usually rolls a glass or two of alcohol down his throat. I saw him very drunk once. It was when he won the F2 championship. I was the one who helped him get back to the hotel. I decided it was better to go to sleep in my room. I didn't leave him alone for a second. I helped him to the toilet, when he had to vomit, I gave him water to clear his mind a little, I put him in bed. I stayed with him, I didn't sleep a wink all night. I wanted to take care of him. The next day I gave him painkillers. We got together that day...

"Oh...my head hurts."Oscar sat up in bed, massaging his temple, for whom I have had feelings for a long time, but I dare not tell him. He was so comatose that he didn't even notice that he wasn't in his own room and neither was I.

"Good morning!"he looked around, then his eyes stopped at me.

"This is your hotel room."

"You don't say?"I smiled at him.

"Was I really bad?"he asked fearfully.

"You threw up a couple of times in the toilet, but that's it. You didn't do anything stupid. Do you want painkillers?"

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