Chapter 3

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August 29th, 2017. Niktron.

Waking up in a trapped glass was not in anyone's wishlist but the seven earthlings were exactly facing the same and Arjun was the last one to wake up, except he woke up with a pain on his right temple. The girls and boys trapped in the cells near Arjun looked at him curiously as he began stirring and groaning while waking up. 

"Finally, he's waking up.", Ryan said and Arjun could faintly hear his voice and a female responding to him. 

"Oh god, he's bleeding.", Emily knelt down in her cell and watched Arjun closely through Ayesha's and Yuina's cell. 

The others shared a concerned look as Arjun slowly rolled onto his back, he looked at the ceiling frowned and winced as the pain finally woke him up completely. He sat up and looked to his left, there was only a wall and he took in his surroundings while murmuring, "Am I dreaming or something?"

He slowly turned to the right and immediately shrieked and backed up. He saw six persons in separate see-through cells, right next to each other. Arjun saw a little Japanese girl with blankets wrapped around her, looking at him. Next to her cell, there was another fair-skinned girl with dark brown hair, Ayesha. Then his eyes landed on the white girl with brown curly hair, Emily. 

Behind her cell, there were three more cells with two men and a girl. Chris, Ryan and Jane. First, a tall man with short, light brown hair, dressed up formally. Next, another tall guy with blonde hair, dressed in a pizza delivery uniform and at the last cell from his, there standing was a girl with chin length hair.

"How long have you all been standing there, staring at me like this?", Arjun asked, standing on his feet, walking close to the right side glass wall of his cell. 

He saw how they all were in the same separated cells, he saw the clean, striking purple interior. He found the place quite amazing but given his situation, he couldn't appreciate its coolness.

"Since you decided to finally wake up.", Ryan answered, taking in Arjun's full appearance. 

"What's your name?", Chris asked him politely. 

Arjun's eyes shifted from Ryan to Chris, "I'm Arjun. Arjun Krishna."

"Do you have any idea how you ended up here?", Ayesha questioned.

Arjun looked around once, trying to remember but he shook his head negatively and spoke, looking back at them, "There was a guy..."As he started to speak, he saw the last three people suddenly giving him full attention, he continued, " my room. His name was-"

"Calix?", Ryan instantly asked, stepping forward.

Arjun nodded with wide eyes, "Yes! You know that guy? That purple head with a disgusting haircut?"

"Yeah! That guy! Was he covered in a strange black leather outfit? He even had a scar over here.", Jane pointed out more of Calix's appearance, she pointed to her right temple for which Arjun agreed.

"He also had a weird, kinda futuristic gun.", Chris added, pointing his index finger.

"Exactly!", Arjun snapped his fingers, "I took it from him but I didn't know how to use it.", he stated with a defeated look.

"Wait, wait, wait.", Emily stopped all of them. "First of all, you're bleeding. I think you need to take care of it.", she pointed to Arjun's right temple.

Arjun touched the cut on his injured temple and winced immediately. 

"Careful.", Ayesha advised.

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