Chapter 37

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"YOU SLEPT WITH HIM?!" Rue screamed at me over the phone. After the long day of practice, my feelings had caught up with me when I got back to my hotel room and I had ended up calling up the one person who I knew would have my back. 

"Yes," I groaned. 

"I can't believe you didn't tell me this sooner Edom! Was it good?"

"Yes!" I groaned more. I'd left this bit of information til the end; I'd told her we had started a relationship of sorts going, but then I'd overheard his conversation with Carlos earlier today first. "Doesn't matter anymore, considering it didn't mean anything to him."

"That is so horrible Edom. I'm so sorry." She cooed me over the phone and finally the tears came out. They streamed down my face as I tried to wipe them away. "Hey. No crying, girl - you're better than that, better than him." 

"Ugh I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Rue - I was the one who asked to keep the relationship a secret, so if I went and told you it would've looked really bad." I said as I wiped the final tears away, trying to pull myself together. 

"Well there is something I've been keeping from you..." Rue trailed off, looking guility away from her screen. 


"Max and I have been seeing each other loads recently and yesterday we made it official!" 

I squealed, happiness and joy replacing the sadness that had been suffocating my heart the entire day. "Oh my god, tell me every detail!" 

I woke up to my alarm, still filled with the happiness from last night's call with Rue. I missed her so much and was planning to surprise her and Max with tickets to the famous Monaco grand prix. 

I picked my phone up, checking for my daily good morning text from Charles out of habit, to remember everything and was filled with sadness again. I tried to push it aside and got ready for the day ahead. With my sour mood, I wasn't bothered to pick out a lush outfit, so went with my Mclaren top and a black skort due to the heat in Italy this weekend. To match, I put on my black and orange Gazelle shoes, which made me feel a little better. I put on some simple makeup and threw my hair back into a high ponytail, before leaving to catch my taxi. 

On arrival, the track and paddock was swarming with fans, most of which wore the colours of the cruel reminder of the man I thought I could have a future with. 


Qualifying went well - I ended up on the third row in 5th, just 0.2 seconds off Lando's time. Charles had qualified 3rd, behind both Redbulls. Not that I cared how he did. 

Lando and I made our way to the media pen for post-quali interviews, where it was already busy with drivers. Both Aston Martin and Ferrari drivers were there, alongside George and Daniel, so Lando and I went over to the furthest away interviewer who was free. Charles and Carlos were doing an interview with the person next to us but I ignored them.

"It's so busy here!" Commented Lando to the interviewer as we were handed mics. Charlotte stood closely behind us, making sure we behaved. 

"Yes!" The interviewer laughed "I've asked the same questions a million times in the past 20 minutes!"

"Ok, I'll save you some work and interview Edom for you." Lando chuckled and turned to me.

"Ok Edom, lovely quali today, but how does it feel to get beaten by your team mate?!" He asked with a cheeky wink. 

"Well, Lando," I replied, playing along. "He hasn't won yet - I've got 63 laps to overtake him and I think it will be a piece of cake."

"How will you celebrate after?!"  he giggled. Typical Lando question - all this man ever seemed to do was race, game and party. 

"I suppose I'll go out somewhere, my loser team mate always knows the best spots." 

"Going to take anyone with you - any guys you've been with?!" 

I managed not to look at Charles, keeping my eyes on Lando, a smile still on my face. 

"No - still as single as ever Lando, but maybe I'll meet a guy tomorrow?!"

A strangled noise came from the interview next to us, and I couldn't help but turn around to see what was going on. Charles was looking at our interview, slightly blushed. 

"Everything alright Charles?" Carlos laughed. 

"Yeah fine Mate, just choked on something I think." He said as I turned back to Lando. We both chuckled. 

"French people." Lando laughed with a shrug.  

We finished off the interview, then did some individual ones. I finished before Lando, so headed back to the Mclaren paddock. That was until I was pushed into a small alleyway by someone. 

"Single - huh?!" It was Charles "Last time I checked, you were mine." He stood nearly up against me, face so close I coule feel his breath. 

"Jesus Christ Charles. Did it really require acting like you were going to kidnap me for you to ask that question?" There was no warmth in my voice. 

"You're not going anywhere with another guy tomorrow." he ignored me. 

"And who are you to stop me?!" I said. "Didn't think you thought this relationship was very serious."  I thought of his conversation yesterday. 

"Why wouldn't I think this relationship as serious?!" He asked, confused by my sudden lack of love. 

"Because you think of it as a PR opportunity maybe?! Or maybe because you don't like loud and annoying girls?!" I spoke back. 

"Huh?" He sounded even more confused. 

"I know Fred and your PR director had you do this. Well your secrets out now so I won't keep you from your true feelings anymore." I swallowed back my tears. 

"Oh my God." It had clearly dawned on Charles that I had overheard his chat with Carlos. 

"But there is one thing you were definetely right about - I really had started to feel for you a lot more than friends. If you ever get tired of racing, you should become an actor Charles, because you've put on the perfomance of a lifetime these past few weeks." I pushed past him, not looking back. Charles stood frozen. 

"Wait Edom, it's not what it seems." He called suddenly, but I was aleady out of distance for him to grab me, out of distance for him to make up another silly lie that would end up with me getting hurt again. 


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