Chapter 9

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Edom's POV

I saw Charles walking towards me and from the look on his face he had seen everything. I was so embarrassed and I dreaded what he would say to me.

"That was an interesting watch" he smirked at me, raising his eyebrows. He was revelling in my embarrassment.

"Max wasn't really a fan of my comment about crashing into him" I said back, trying to keep calm and breathe properly. The expression in his eyes slightly changed at my comment, he clearly wasn't expecting that and it hit me he hadn't heard what was said. That made me feel slightly better. His expression turned back to the unreadable one it normally was.

"Hmmm" He smirked "Surprised he actually thought you'd be fast enough to be close enough to crash into him," God I hated him.

"Maybe I'll crash into you instead then," I retorted and I couldn't help but chuckle at my comeback.

"You liked that comment huh?" He stepped closer towards me.

"Yeah, cuz I just love pushing your buttons" I said with a fake sweet smile plastered across my face.

"You should try undoing them instead, it would be much more entertaining for both of us" Charles leaned in close to speak softly into my ear.

Don't imagine him shirtless, don't imagine him shirtless.

"You disgust me Leclerc," I said although I currently felt the opposite. What is it with drivers and these comments I thought First Max and now Charles.


Friday came and so did free practice where I set a few good times.
FP1- P6
FP2- P7

The team were happy with our progress but we all knew we still had a long way to go.

Rue congratulated me and we agreed to go on a cute girl's date night to celebrate my progress.

I changed into a little black dress and black blazer and we headed out to the fancy restaurant Rue had found online. We ordered a taxi to get there as we both would be drinking wine tonight.

We sat down at the table, ordered some drinks and then got chatting. After a while I finally asked the question I had been wanting the answer to for weeks.

"Ok so what's going on with you and Max Fewtrell?!"

Rues eyes widened and she choked slightly on the wine she was sipping.
"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Come on Rue, don't lie to your best friend. I saw you guys in Saudi. That didn't look like nothing to me."

"Omg you saw that?!" Rue said loudly, earning a few looks from nearby diners. She lowered her voice "how have you kept this from me for so long?!"

"Girl! How have you kept this from me for so long. I was waiting for you to say something but you never brought it up"

"Well it wasn't much. We just kissed, that's all."

I raised my eyebrow at her.

"I swear. It was just a kiss and we haven't even spoken since," she seemed slightly put out by that. A waiter came over to take our order before I could say anything else. I ordered a pasta dish and Rue ordered a risotto. As soon as he left I burst out

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