Chapter 15

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Kavehs POV

The sunlight, entering from between the curtains woke us up.

I slowly started to wake up and the rustling of my sheets made Alhaitham wake up.

I yawned and sat up while Alhaitham just emmited a groan.

"Morning. How are you feeling? You know, after last night..." I asked him

"Mhm" he replied and I chuckled.

I walked up to his side of the bed and kissed him, really enjoying his sleepiness.

"Come onnn! We have the whole day just for us, we have to take advantage of it!" I told him as I gently shook him awake.

Alhaitham let out another groan.

After some more persuading, he finally managed to take him out of bed.

I had already put on a shirt and tied my hair up in a ponytail.

I left Alhaitham in the room and entered the kitchen to make us something to eat and soon Alhaitham joined me, now dressed aswell.

"Hey, is that one of my shirts?" He smirked and hugged me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder.

"It looks cute on you, you should wear more of my clothes" he mumbled against my neck before planting sweet kisses all over it.

I giggled. "If you give me the permission, I most definetly will~" I teased back.

After our little interactiom we took the food outside and sat down on the terrace, watching the Fontainian ocean strech into the horizon.

It wasn't too warm or too cold. Just the perfect morning air with the right amount of sun.

We didn't say anything, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. Saying something right now would just ruin the atmosphere, so we just sat on the bench outside, my head on Alhaithams shoulder and both of us sipping on coffee, listening to the waves hitting against the shore.

Alhaithams POV

We spend the rest of the morning and the early afternoon just being overly affectionate and not being separated for more than 2 minutes.

It was now that I really appreciated his company and love.

Then we both had the idea to go for a swim at our beach, since the temperature of both the water and outside was perfect right now.

Kaveh went in first, until the water reached his shoulders and I joined him.

He had tied his hair into a ponytail and had told me to not wet his hair, but I decided to ignore that and splashed him with water.

Kaveh shrieked and I laughed as he complained about the salt ruining his locks.

"Aww, come onn. The sea is for getting wet! Join me!" I said as I swam further in and Kaveh finally joined me.

My roommate... (Kavetham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now